Herman Edward Schrank

M, b. 18 December 1879, d. 2 September 1942
Father*William Charles Frederick Schrank b. 18 Oct 1842, d. 19 Dec 1928
Mother*Matilda Augusta Koepp b. 7 Jan 1852, d. 21 Apr 1918
Herman Schrank 1904-Colorized
Herman Schrank 1904
Herman Edward Schrank
Name TypeDateDescription
Name VariationHerman Edward Schrank was also known as Herman Wilhelm.
Name VariationHerman Edward Schrank was also known as Herman William Edward.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth18 December 1879Herman Edward Schrank was born on 18 December 1879 at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin, also reported as Aug 1879.
He was the son of William Charles Frederick Schrank and Matilda Augusta Koepp.
Marriage11 February 1904Herman Edward Schrank married Emma Hinrichs, daughter of Frederich William Hinrichs and Dorothea Sophia Katherine Schroeder, on 11 February 1904 at Sauk, Wisconsin, listed as Herman William Edward Schrank and Emma Dorothea Katharine Heinrichs.1
Herman Schrank and Emma Hinricks wedding portrait-Colorized
Herman Schrank and Emma Hinricks wedding portrait
Baraboo News Republic (Baraboo, Wisconsin) 23 Jan 1904 - Licensed to marry - Herman Schrank and Emma Heinrichs
Death2 September 1942Herman Edward Schrank died on 2 September 1942 at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin, at age 62 Herman Schrank obituary.
Madison Wisconsin State Journal September 3, 1942 - Herman Schrank obituary
The Capital Times (Madison, Wisconsin) 03 Sep 1942 - Herman Schrank obituary
Burialafter 2 September 1942He was buried after 2 September 1942 at St. Peter's Lutheran Cemetery, Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.2
Census DateLocationDescription
8 June 1880Westfield, Sauk, WisconsinHerman Edward Schrank was listed as a son in William Charles Frederick Schrank's household on the 1880 Census at Westfield, Sauk, Wisconsin.3
23 June 1900Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinHerman Edward Schrank was listed as servant with the Fred Hendrich family on the 1900 Census at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin; living next door to William Schrank.4
23 June 1900Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinHe was listed as a servant in Frederich William Hinrichs's household on the 1900 Census at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.4
11 May 1910Reedsburg Town, Sauk, WisconsinHerman Edward Schrank was listed as the head of a family on the 1910 Census at Reedsburg Town, Sauk, Wisconsin.5
19 January 1920Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinHe was listed as the head of a family on the 1920 Census at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.6
8 April 1930Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinHe was listed as the head of a family on the 1930 Census at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.7
10 April 1940Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinHe was listed as the head of a family on the 1940 Census at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.8
When we talk about the good old days, I'm sure our children of today have no idea what we mean. The Old Fashioned Christmas, when we never saw our tree until after the Christmas Eve Service; when we were satisfied with a puzzle, a new box of colors or a coloring book; when Sundays were a day of leisure with a treat of chicken and ice cream, and afternoons were spent doing things together as a family after attending church...When our clothes were made of flour and feed sacks that were in floral prints.When all the butchering was homemade and done in our homes - Herman and Emma Schrank really knew how to make sausage, kopfwurst, blood sausage, and all the other goodies. When we had to pick up potatoes by hand - at the age of 4 and 5 we were out helping just like the adults. When we walked two to three miles to go to neighborhood sleighride parties on Sundays. When we spent every day (expect Sundays) picking cucumbers - the William and Edna Klitzke Family were well noted for all the cucumbers and strawberries they had for sale. When all the neighbors worked together, going from one place to another to thresh, cut wood or shred corn. Emma Schrank took the children of William and Edna Klitzke in one weekdays so that they could get a Christian Education. Many good memories of our past and present linger. They were all hard-working farmers.--Remembrances by Lorna Slaney.9
circa 1898Circa 1898 family photo.
March 1911Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinHerman Edward Schrank purchased land in March 1911 at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin, Real estate transfer - Julius Drogenmuller to Herman Schrank, Reedsburg, 3225.
Baraboo News Republic (Baraboo, Wisconsin) 27 Mar 1911 - Real estate transfer - Julius Drogenmuller to Herman Schrank, Reedsburg, 3225
January 1914Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinHe purchased land in January 1914 at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin, transfer from his father-in-law.
Baraboo Republic (Baraboo, Wisconsin) 01 Jan 1914 - Real estate transfer from Frederick W Hinrichs to Herman Schrank, land in sec 23 Reedsburg, 4000
12 August 1918WWI Registration, Sauk, WisconsinOn 12 August 1918 at WWI Registration, Sauk, Wisconsin.
WWII Registration Card for Herman Wilhelm Schrank - Sauk, WI - 12 Aug 1918
1985In 1985 portrait of the descendants of Herman Edward Schrank and Emma Hinrichs.
The descendants of Herman Edward Schrank and Emma Hinrichs 1985

Children of Herman Edward Schrank and Emma Hinrichs


  1. [S387] Family Search; Multiple Records, "Wisconsin, County Marriages, 1836-1911," database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XRFL-TM5 : 3 June 2016), Matilda Koeppe in entry for Herman William Edward Schrank and Emma Dorothea Katharine Heinricks, 11 Feb 1904; citing , Sauk, Wisconsin, United States, Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison; FHL microfilm 1,275,562.
  2. [S214] Wisconsin Sauk Co Cemetery Records Vol 9, Pg. 148.
  3. [S246] U.S. Federal Census 1880 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED265. Dwelling 95.
  4. [S245] U.S. Federal Census 1900 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED143. Dwelling 198.
  5. [S244] U.S. Federal Census 1910 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED125. Dwelling 208.
  6. [S243] U.S. Federal Census 1920 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, Sheet 8B. Dwelling 120. ED 176. Stamp 206B line 87.
  7. [S250] U.S. Federal Census 1930 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED56-31. Dwelling 85.
  8. [S373] U.S. Federal Census 1940 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, Year: 1940; Census Place: Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin; Roll: T627_4523; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 56-33.
  9. [S3] Jeanette (Felske) Mrs. Edward Schrank, William C. Schuette, Lorna (Klitzke) Mrs. Maurice Slaney, Sue (Parkhurst) Mrs. Roger "Jake" Steinhoust Your Heritage Committee. Marcella (Parkhurst) Mrs. Jerome Meurer, Schrank Family Heritage.

Emma Amelia Schrank

F, b. 1 January 1882, d. 17 October 1951
Father*William Charles Frederick Schrank b. 18 Oct 1842, d. 19 Dec 1928
Mother*Matilda Augusta Koepp b. 7 Jan 1852, d. 21 Apr 1918
Emma Schrank Parkhurst portrait-Colorized
Emma (Schrank) Parkhurst portrait
Emma Schrank Parkhurst - circa 1905-Colorized
Emma (Schrank) Parkhurst
Emma (Schrank) Parkhurst circa 1905
Emma Schrank
Name TypeDateDescription
Name VariationEmma Amelia Schrank was also known as Emma Minnie Amelia.
Married Name5 November 1903As of 5 November 1903,her married name was Parkhurst.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth1 January 1882Emma Amelia Schrank was born at Wisconsin on 1 January 1882.
She was the daughter of William Charles Frederick Schrank and Matilda Augusta Koepp.
Marriage5 November 1903Emma Amelia Schrank married Irvin Alfanso Parkhurst, son of John W. Parkhurst and Julia S. Pierce, on 5 November 1903 at Methodist Church, Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin, Licensed to marry - Oct 1903 - Irwin A Parkhurst and Emma Schrank of Reedsburg.
Baraboo News Republic (Baraboo, Wisconsin) 31 Oct 1903 - Licensed to marry - Irwin A Parkhurst and Emma Schrank of Reedsburg
Baraboo News Republic (Baraboo, Wisconsin) 02 Nov 1903 - Licensed to marry - Irvin Alfonso Parkhurst and Emma Minnie Amelia Schrank of Reedsburg
Death17 October 1951Emma Amelia Schrank died on 17 October 1951 at in a tragic hit and run accident, Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin, at age 69 Mrs E A Parkhurst (Emma Schrank) obituary.
Madison Capital Times October 19, 1951 - Mrs E A Parkhurst (Emma Schrank) obituary
Madison Wisconsin State Journal October 19, 1951 - Mrs E A Parkhurst (Emma Schrank) obituary
Burialafter 17 October 1951She was buried after 17 October 1951 at St. Peter's Lutheran Cemetery, Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin, Listed as Mother, VFW Aux.1
Census DateLocationDescription
20 June 1895Washington, Sauk, WisconsinEmma Amelia Schrank is counted on the census of 20 June 1895 in the household of William Charles Frederick Schrank at Washington, Sauk, Wisconsin; 5 males, 3 females; 6 born in US, 2 born in Germany.
29 April 1910Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinEmma Amelia Schrank was listed as wife in Irvin Alfanso Parkhurst's household on the 1910 Census at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.2
5 January 1920Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinEmma Amelia Schrank was listed as wife in Irvin Alfanso Parkhurst's household on the 1920 Census at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.3
24 April 1930Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinEmma Amelia Schrank was listed as wife in Irvin Alfanso Parkhurst's household on the 1930 Census at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin; living at 1117 East Maine.4
May 1940Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinEmma Amelia Schrank was listed as wife in Irvin Alfanso Parkhurst's household on the 1940 Census at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.5
Emma worked at the Hotel Huntley in Reedsburg, she also did baking in her home for customers. Emma was active in various clubs and enjoyed playing cards. She was killed in a tragic hit and run accident in Reedsburg.Ervin worked in a cigar factory in Reedsburg, also for Reedsburg Supply, was a Janitor at the Sauk Co. Normal School and was a member of the early Reedsburg Fire Department. He also played the French horn in the city bank and was a drummer for area dance bands.6
circa 1898Circa 1898 family photo.
circa 1905Circa 1905 family photo of Irvin and Emma (Schrank) Parkhurst and son Frederick.
Irvin and Emma Schrank Parkhurst and son Frederick circa 1905-Colorized
Irvin and Emma (Schrank) Parkhurst and son Frederick circa 1905
18 June 1911St John Lutheran Church, Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinEmma Amelia Schrank became the godmother at Mata Anna Schuette's christening on 18 June 1911 at St John Lutheran Church, Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.
March 1926at the Henry Schrank home, Sauk, WisconsinIn March 1926 at at the Henry Schrank home, Sauk, Wisconsin, Schrank family reunion; guest of honor William Schrank Sr.
1928In 1928 family photo.
Family of Irvin and Emma Schrank Parkhurst-Colorized
Family of Irvin and Emma (Schrank) Parkhurst
Family of Emma Schrank and Irvin Parkhurst-Colorized
Schrank family gathering - sisters and sisters-in-law including Louise (Schrank) Friede circa 1940s.

Children of Emma Amelia Schrank and Irvin Alfanso Parkhurst


  1. [S214] Wisconsin Sauk Co Cemetery Records Vol 9, Pg 127.
  2. [S244] U.S. Federal Census 1910 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED124. Dwelling 204.
  3. [S243] U.S. Federal Census 1920 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED 176. Pg 1B. Dwelling 20.
  4. [S250] U.S. Federal Census 1930 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED56-30. Ward 2. Dwelling 443.
  5. [S373] U.S. Federal Census 1940 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, Year: 1940; Census Place: Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin; Roll: T627_4523; Page: 12A; Enumeration District: 56-32B.
  6. [S3] Jeanette (Felske) Mrs. Edward Schrank, William C. Schuette, Lorna (Klitzke) Mrs. Maurice Slaney, Sue (Parkhurst) Mrs. Roger "Jake" Steinhoust Your Heritage Committee. Marcella (Parkhurst) Mrs. Jerome Meurer, Schrank Family Heritage.

William H. Schrank

M, b. 23 February 1884, d. 3 April 1944
Father*William Charles Frederick Schrank b. 18 Oct 1842, d. 19 Dec 1928
Mother*Matilda Augusta Koepp b. 7 Jan 1852, d. 21 Apr 1918
William Schrank Jr-Colorized
William Schrank Jr
Name TypeDateDescription
Name VariationWilliam H. Schrank was also known as William Jr.
Name VariationWilliam H. Schrank was also known as Will.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth23 February 1884William H. Schrank was born at Westfield, Sauk, Wisconsin, on 23 February 1884.
He was the son of William Charles Frederick Schrank and Matilda Augusta Koepp.
Marriage14 April 1909William H. Schrank married Louise M. Schroeder, daughter of William K. Schroeder and Bertha Krause, on 14 April 1909 at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin, Licensed to marry - William Schrank and Louise Schroeder.
Baraboo News Republic (Baraboo, Wisconsin) 09 Apr 1909 - Licensed to marry - William Schrank and Louise Schroeder
Baraboo News Republic (Baraboo, Wisconsin) 21 Apr 1909 - Miss Hilda Rose attended Schrank-Schroeder wedding
Baraboo Republic (Baraboo, Wisconsin) 22 Apr 1909 - Will Schrank and Louise Schroeder marriage announcement
Death3 April 1944William H. Schrank died on 3 April 1944 at Sauk, Wisconsin, at age 60 Tractor Upsets, Kills Schrank - William H Schrank obituary.
Madison Wisconsin State Journal April 4, 1944 - Tractor Upsets, Kills Schrank - William H Schrank obituary
Burialafter 3 April 1944His body was interred after 3 April 1944 at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin, at St. Peter's Cemetery.1
Census DateLocationDescription
20 June 1895Washington, Sauk, WisconsinWilliam H. Schrank is counted on the census of 20 June 1895 in the household of William Charles Frederick Schrank at Washington, Sauk, Wisconsin; 5 males, 3 females; 6 born in US, 2 born in Germany.
4 June 1900Westfield, Sauk, WisconsinWilliam H. Schrank was listed as a boarder with the John Shultz family on the 1900 Census at Westfield, Sauk, Wisconsin.2
1 June 1905Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinHe appeared on the census of 1 June 1905 in the household of William Charles Frederick Schrank at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.
16 April 1910Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinWilliam H. Schrank was listed as the head of a family on the 1910 Census at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.3
13 January 1920Reedsburg City, Sauk, WisconsinHe was listed as the head of a family on the 1920 Census at Reedsburg City, Sauk, Wisconsin.4
7 April 1930Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinHe was listed as the head of a family on the 1930 Census at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin, living at 513 La Valle Street.5
2 May 1940Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinHe was listed as the head of a family on the 1940 Census at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.6
William was a farmer, did custom plowing, silo filling, shredding, and custom wood sawing. He died in a tragic accident when a tractor tipped on top of him while he was moving his sawing rig. Louise then married Otto Schroeder [actually Schulenburg] and they lived in Cross Plains, Wisconsin.7
circa 1898Circa 1898 family photo.
March 1926at the Henry Schrank home, Sauk, WisconsinIn March 1926 at at the Henry Schrank home, Sauk, Wisconsin, Schrank family reunion; guest of honor William Schrank Sr.
25 April 1942WWII Registration, Sauk, WisconsinOn 25 April 1942 at WWII Registration, Sauk, Wisconsin.
WWII Registration Card for William Schrank - Sauk, WI - 25 Apr 1942
WWII Registration Card for William Schrank - Sauk, WI - 25 Apr 1942 - registrars report

Children of William H. Schrank and Louise M. Schroeder


  1. [S214] Wisconsin Sauk Co Cemetery Records Vol 9, Pg 149.
  2. [S245] U.S. Federal Census 1900 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED149. Dwelling 22.
  3. [S244] U.S. Federal Census 1910 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED123. Dwelling 29.
  4. [S243] U.S. Federal Census 1920 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED 174. Stamp 174. Sheet 7A. Dwelling 172. Family 152.
  5. [S250] U.S. Federal Census 1930 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED56-29. Dwelling 135. Ward 1.
  6. [S373] U.S. Federal Census 1940 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, Year: 1940; Census Place: Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin; Roll: T627_4523; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 56-31B.
  7. [S3] Jeanette (Felske) Mrs. Edward Schrank, William C. Schuette, Lorna (Klitzke) Mrs. Maurice Slaney, Sue (Parkhurst) Mrs. Roger "Jake" Steinhoust Your Heritage Committee. Marcella (Parkhurst) Mrs. Jerome Meurer, Schrank Family Heritage.

Matilda Schrank

F, b. 26 December 1885, d. 7 August 1954
Father*William Charles Frederick Schrank b. 18 Oct 1842, d. 19 Dec 1928
Mother*Matilda Augusta Koepp b. 7 Jan 1852, d. 21 Apr 1918
Matilda Schrank portrait-Colorized
Matilda Schrank portrait
Mathilda Schrank
Matilda Schrank Liessman
Matilda Schrank
Name TypeDateDescription
Name VariationMatilda Schrank was also known as Tillie.
Married Name31 October 1903As of 31 October 1903,her married name was Liessman.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth26 December 1885Matilda Schrank was born at Westfield, Sauk, Wisconsin, on 26 December 1885.
She was the daughter of William Charles Frederick Schrank and Matilda Augusta Koepp.
Marriage31 October 1903Matilda Schrank married Otto Frank Liessman, son of Henry J. Liessman and Catherine Ohland, on 31 October 1903 at St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.1
Death7 August 1954Matilda Schrank died on 7 August 1954 at age 68 Mrs Otto Liessman (Matilda Schrank) obituary.
Madison Wisconsin State Journal August 9, 1954 - Mrs Otto Liessman (Matilda Schrank) obituary
Burialafter 7 August 1954She was buried after 7 August 1954 at St. Peter's Lutheran Cemetery, Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.2
Census DateLocationDescription
20 June 1895Washington, Sauk, WisconsinMatilda Schrank is counted on the census of 20 June 1895 in the household of William Charles Frederick Schrank at Washington, Sauk, Wisconsin; 5 males, 3 females; 6 born in US, 2 born in Germany.
23 June 1900Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinMatilda Schrank was listed as a daughter in William Charles Frederick Schrank's household on the 1900 Census at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.3
25 April 1910Reedsburg Ward 1, Sauk, WisconsinMatilda Schrank was listed as wife in Otto Frank Liessman's household on the 1910 Census at Reedsburg Ward 1, Sauk, Wisconsin; living next door to Catherine Liessman.4
19 January 1920Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinMatilda Schrank was listed as wife in Otto Frank Liessman's household on the 1920 Census at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.5
16 April 1930Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinMatilda Schrank was listed as wife in Otto Frank Liessman's household on the 1930 Census at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.6
17 April 1940Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinMatilda Schrank was listed as wife in Otto Frank Liessman's household on the 1940 Census at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.7
Mathilda attended St. Peter's Lutheran School in Reedsburg and was confirmed in her faith on March 31, 1899 by the Rev. August Rohrlack. She lived out her life as a housewife in the Reedsburg area. Otto was a barber and he also worked as a store clerk for many years in the Hardware department at the old Big Store in Reedsburg.8
Photo of Otto Frank Liessman and Mathilda (Schrank) Liessman.
Otto Frank Liessman and Mathilda (Schrank) Liessman
circa 1898Circa 1898 family photo.
20 October 1917from lockjaw, Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinMatilda Schrank was mentioned in the newspaper notice of death of Ferdinand Schrank on 20 October 1917 at from lockjaw, Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin; Ferdinand Schrank obituary.
July 1925Lake Mills, WisconsinIn July 1925 at Lake Mills, Wisconsin, attended Liessman family reunion.
Madison Wisconsin State Journal July 5, 1925 - Attended Liessman family reunion
March 1926at the Henry Schrank home, Sauk, WisconsinIn March 1926 at at the Henry Schrank home, Sauk, Wisconsin, Schrank family reunion; guest of honor William Schrank Sr.
Schrank family gathering - sisters and sisters-in-law including Louise (Schrank) Friede circa 1940s.

Child of Matilda Schrank and Otto Frank Liessman


  1. [S387] Family Search; Multiple Records, "Wisconsin, County Marriages, 1836-1911," database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XRFL-PSF : 3 June 2016), Koepp in entry for Otto Frank Leissman and Tillie Schrank, 31 Oct 1903; citing , Sauk, Wisconsin, United States, Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison; FHL microfilm 1,275,562.
  2. [S214] Wisconsin Sauk Co Cemetery Records Vol 9, Pg 150.
  3. [S245] U.S. Federal Census 1900 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED143. Dwelling 199.
  4. [S244] U.S. Federal Census 1910 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED123. Dwelling 199.
  5. [S243] U.S. Federal Census 1920 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED174. Dwelling 257.
  6. [S250] U.S. Federal Census 1930 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED56-29. Dwelling 309.
  7. [S373] U.S. Federal Census 1940 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, Year: 1940; Census Place: Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin; Roll: T627_4523; Page: 5A; Enumeration District: 56-31A.
  8. [S3] Jeanette (Felske) Mrs. Edward Schrank, William C. Schuette, Lorna (Klitzke) Mrs. Maurice Slaney, Sue (Parkhurst) Mrs. Roger "Jake" Steinhoust Your Heritage Committee. Marcella (Parkhurst) Mrs. Jerome Meurer, Schrank Family Heritage.

Albert Schrank

M, b. 27 March 1888, d. 16 April 1964
Father*William Charles Frederick Schrank b. 18 Oct 1842, d. 19 Dec 1928
Mother*Matilda Augusta Koepp b. 7 Jan 1852, d. 21 Apr 1918
Albert Schrank wedding portrait 1930-Colorized
Albert Schrank
Albert Schrank - bowtie
SOCIALSECUAlbert Schrank obtained US Social Security Card at Michigan; last residence Michigan.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth27 March 1888Albert Schrank was born at Loganville, Sauk, Wisconsin, on 27 March 1888.
He was the son of William Charles Frederick Schrank and Matilda Augusta Koepp.
Marriage License21 May 1930Albert Schrank and Mable A. Beuthien obtained a marriage license on 21 May 1930 at Oakland, Michigan, Mable A Beuthien and Albert Schrank marriage license.
Mable A Beuthien and Albert Schrank marriage license 21 May 1930 - Oakland county, Michigan
Marriage24 May 1930Albert Schrank married Mable A. Beuthien, daughter of Bernhard Beuthien and Lillian Koch, on 24 May 1930 at Drayton Plains, Oakland, Michigan, Schrank and Beuthien Marriage Certificate.
Albert Schrank and Mable Beuthien wedding portrait 1930-Enhanced-Colorized
Albert Schrank and Mable Beuthien wedding portrait 1930-Colorized
Albert Schrank and Mable Beuthien wedding portrait 1930
Schrank, Albert and Beuthien Marriage Certificate
Death16 April 1964Albert Schrank died on 16 April 1964, at age 76.
Burialafter 16 April 1964He was buried after 16 April 1964 at Oakland Cemetery (aka Oakland County Cemetery), Pontiac, Oakland, Michigan.
Census DateLocationDescription
20 June 1895Washington, Sauk, WisconsinAlbert Schrank is counted on the census of 20 June 1895 in the household of William Charles Frederick Schrank at Washington, Sauk, Wisconsin; 5 males, 3 females; 6 born in US, 2 born in Germany.
23 June 1900Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinAlbert Schrank was listed as a son in William Charles Frederick Schrank's household on the 1900 Census at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.1
1 June 1905Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinAlbert Schrank appeared on the census of 1 June 1905 in the household of William Charles Frederick Schrank at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.
29 April 1910Reedsburg Town, Sauk, WisconsinAlbert Schrank was listed as a hired man with the William Schwartz family on the 1910 Census at Reedsburg Town, Sauk, Wisconsin.2
1920Madison Ward 7, Dane, WisconsinHe was listed as a lodger with Thomas McDonald on the 1920 Census at Madison Ward 7, Dane, Wisconsin.3
16 May 1940Keego Harbor, Oakland, MichiganHe was listed as the head of a family on the 1940 Census at Keego Harbor, Oakland, Michigan.4
circa 1898Circa 1898 family photo.
1920Albert Schrank was a woodworker at industrial plant in 1920.
19383208 Maple, Keego Harbor, Oakland, MichiganHe and Mable A. Beuthien lived in 1938 at 3208 Maple, Keego Harbor, Oakland, Michigan.
1942World War II Draft Registration Card, Oakland, MichiganIn 1942 at World War II Draft Registration Card, Oakland, Michigan, wife Mable not listed contact (instead it's his brother Herman.)
World War II Draft Registration Card 1942 Albert Schrank
1942Albert Schrank was a yardman with Dickie Lumber & Coal Co. in 1942.


  1. [S245] U.S. Federal Census 1900 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED143. Dwelling 199.
  2. [S244] U.S. Federal Census 1910 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED125. Dwelling 92.
  3. [S243] U.S. Federal Census 1920 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, Year: 1920;Census Place: Madison Ward 7, Dane, Wisconsin; Roll T625_1981; Page: 20B; Enumeration District: 56; Image: 899.
  4. [S373] U.S. Federal Census 1940 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, Year: 1940; Census Place: Keego Harbor, Oakland, Michigan; Roll: T627_1804; Page: 27A; Enumeration District: 63-189.

Henry William Schrank

M, b. 1 February 1891, d. 14 August 1964
Father*William Charles Frederick Schrank b. 18 Oct 1842, d. 19 Dec 1928
Mother*Matilda Augusta Koepp b. 7 Jan 1852, d. 21 Apr 1918
Henry William Schrank wedding photo 12 Jan 1916-Colorized
Henry W Schrank signature 1942
Henry Schrank wedding photo 12 Jan 1916
Henry William Schrank 1940s
Henry Schrank
SOCIALSECUHenry William Schrank obtained US Social Security Card at Wisconsin; last residence Wisconsin.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth1 February 1891Henry William Schrank was born on 1 February 1891 at Loganville, Sauk, Wisconsin, also reported as Westfield.
He was the son of William Charles Frederick Schrank and Matilda Augusta Koepp.
Marriage12 January 1916Henry William Schrank married Rosa Anna Henrietta Ziech, daughter of Fredrich Wilhelm Ziech Sr. and Karoline Mittlesteadt, on 12 January 1916 at St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin, Rose Ziech and Henry Schrank marriage announcement.
Rosa Ziech and Henry Schrank wedding portrait 12 Jan 1916-Colorized
Rosa Ziech and Henry Schrank wedding portrait 12 Jan 1916
Rosa Ziech and Henry Schrank wedding party 12 Jan 1916-Colorized
Rosa Ziech and Henry Schrank wedding party 12 Jan 1916
Baraboo News Republic (Baraboo, Wisconsin) 06 Jan 1916 - Marriage license notice of Rosa Ziech and Henry W Schrank
Baraboo News Republic (Baraboo, Wisconsin) 05 Jan 1916 - Rose Ziech and Henry Schrank marriage announcement
Death14 August 1964Henry William Schrank died on 14 August 1964 at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin, at age 73 Henry William Schrank obituary.
Madison Wisconsin State Journal August 15, 1964 - Henry William Schrank obituary
Burialafter 14 August 1964He was buried after 14 August 1964 at St. Peter's Lutheran Cemetery, Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.1
Census DateLocationDescription
20 June 1895Washington, Sauk, WisconsinHenry William Schrank is counted on the census of 20 June 1895 in the household of William Charles Frederick Schrank at Washington, Sauk, Wisconsin; 5 males, 3 females; 6 born in US, 2 born in Germany.
23 June 1900Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinHenry William Schrank was listed as a son in William Charles Frederick Schrank's household on the 1900 Census at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.2
1 June 1905Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinHenry William Schrank appeared on the census of 1 June 1905 in the household of William Charles Frederick Schrank at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.
27 April 1910Reedsburg Town, Sauk, WisconsinHenry William Schrank was listed as a son in William Charles Frederick Schrank's household on the 1910 Census at Reedsburg Town, Sauk, Wisconsin.3
3 January 1920Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinHenry William Schrank was listed as the head of a family on the 1920 Census at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.4
4 April 1930Reedsburg Town, Sauk, WisconsinHe was listed as the head of a family on the 1930 Census at Reedsburg Town, Sauk, Wisconsin.5
12 April 1940Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinHe was listed as the head of a family on the 1940 Census at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.6
Henry was a farmer and carpenter and worked in the Loganville and Reedsburg area. Rosa (or Rose) kept house at their home in Reedsburg. They attended St. Peter's Lutheran Church in Reedsburg.7
circa 1898Circa 1898 family photo.
12 January 1917On 12 January 1917 Henry and Rosa (Ziech) Schrank celebrate first wedding anniversary.
Madison Wisconsin State Journal January 14, 1917 - Henry and Rosa (Ziech) Schrank celebrate first wedding anniversary
5 June 1917WWI Registration, Sauk, WisconsinOn 5 June 1917 at WWI Registration, Sauk, Wisconsin.
WWI Registration Card for Henry W Schrank - Sauk, WI - 5 June 1917
12 January 1926Sauk, WisconsinOn 12 January 1926 at Sauk, Wisconsin, Henry and Rosa (Ziech) Schrank 10th wedding anniversary celebration.
Baraboo News Republic (Baraboo, Wisconsin) 15 Jan 1926 - Henry and Rosa (Ziech) Schrank 10th wedding anniversary celebration
March 1926at the Henry Schrank home, Sauk, WisconsinIn March 1926 at at the Henry Schrank home, Sauk, Wisconsin, Schrank family reunion; guest of honor William Schrank Sr.
Madison Wisconsin State Journal March 24, 1926 - Schrank family reunion
The Reedsburg Times (Reedsburg, Wisconsin) 19 Mar 1926 - Schrank Family Reunion
November 1928Madison, Dane, WisconsinIn November 1928 at Madison, Dane, Wisconsin, Mr and Mrs Allen Nieman, Henry Schrank and Amund Tuhus attend football game in Madison (presumably University of Wisconsin college football.)
Baraboo News Republic (Baraboo, Wisconsin) 07 Nov 1928 - Allen Nieman, Henry Schrank and Amund Tuhus attend football game in Madison
Henry and Rosa (Zieck) Schrank Family Portrait from the 1940s.
Henry and Rosa Zieck Schrank Family 1940s-Colorized
Henry and Rosa (Zieck) Schrank Family 1940s
1942WWII Registration, Sauk, WisconsinIn 1942 at WWII Registration, Sauk, Wisconsin.
WWII Registration Card for Henry W Schrank - Sauk, WI - 1942
WWII Registration Card for Henry W Schrank - Sauk, WI - 1942 - registrars report
1986In 1986 portrait of the descendants of Henry William Schrank and Rosa Anna Ziech.
The descendants of Henry William Schrank and Rosa Anna Ziech 1986

Children of Henry William Schrank and Rosa Anna Henrietta Ziech


  1. [S214] Wisconsin Sauk Co Cemetery Records Vol 9, Pg 155.
  2. [S245] U.S. Federal Census 1900 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED143. Dwelling 199.
  3. [S244] U.S. Federal Census 1910 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED125. Dwelling 68.
  4. [S243] U.S. Federal Census 1920 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED176. Sheet 1A. Stamp 199A line 4 Farm 83.
  5. [S250] U.S. Federal Census 1930 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED56-31. Dwelling 20.
  6. [S373] U.S. Federal Census 1940 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, Year: 1940; Census Place: Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin; Roll: T627_4523; Page: 3A; Enumeration District: 56-33.
  7. [S3] Jeanette (Felske) Mrs. Edward Schrank, William C. Schuette, Lorna (Klitzke) Mrs. Maurice Slaney, Sue (Parkhurst) Mrs. Roger "Jake" Steinhoust Your Heritage Committee. Marcella (Parkhurst) Mrs. Jerome Meurer, Schrank Family Heritage.

Frederick Edward Schrank

M, b. 5 November 1893, d. 28 June 1979
Father*William Charles Frederick Schrank b. 18 Oct 1842, d. 19 Dec 1928
Mother*Matilda Augusta Koepp b. 7 Jan 1852, d. 21 Apr 1918
Frederick Schrank - military-Colorized
Frederick Schrank - military
Fred Schrank 1916-Colorized
Frederick Schrank
Frederick Schrank - bowtie
Frederick Schrank
Fred Edward Schrank signature 1942
Name TypeDateDescription
Name VariationFrederick Edward Schrank was also known as Fritz.
Name VariationFrederick Edward Schrank was also known as Fred Edward.
SOCIALSECUFrederick Edward Schrank obtained US Social Security Card at Wisconsin; last residence Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth5 November 1893Frederick Edward Schrank was born at Washington, Sauk, Wisconsin, on 5 November 1893.
He was the son of William Charles Frederick Schrank and Matilda Augusta Koepp.
Marriage8 May 1918Frederick Edward Schrank married Lucinda Pauline Caroline Grotelueschen, daughter of Heinrich Grotelueschen and Emilia Rossow, on 8 May 1918 at St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin, Marriage notice for Fred E Schrank and Lucinda Grotlueschen.
Baraboo Republic (Baraboo, Wisconsin) 09 May 1918 - Marriage license notice for Fred E Schrank and Lucinda Grotlueschen
Baraboo Weekly News (Baraboo, Wisconsin) 23 May 1918 - Lucinda Grotelueschen and Fred Schrank marriage announcement
Death28 June 1979Frederick Edward Schrank died on 28 June 1979, at age 85.
Burialafter 28 June 1979He was buried after 28 June 1979 at St. Peter's Lutheran Cemetery, Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.1
Census DateLocationDescription
20 June 1895Washington, Sauk, WisconsinFrederick Edward Schrank is counted on the census of 20 June 1895 in the household of William Charles Frederick Schrank at Washington, Sauk, Wisconsin; 5 males, 3 females; 6 born in US, 2 born in Germany.
23 June 1900Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinFrederick Edward Schrank was listed as a son in William Charles Frederick Schrank's household on the 1900 Census at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.2
1 June 1905Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinFrederick Edward Schrank appeared on the census of 1 June 1905 in the household of William Charles Frederick Schrank at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.
11 May 1910Reedsburg Town, Sauk, WisconsinFrederick Edward Schrank was listed as a brother in Herman Edward Schrank's household on the 1910 Census at Reedsburg Town, Sauk, Wisconsin.3
19 January 1920Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinFrederick Edward Schrank was listed as the head of a family on the 1920 Census at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.4
19 April 1930Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinHe was listed as the head of a family on the 1930 Census at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.5
23 April 1940Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinHe was listed as the head of a family on the 1940 Census at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.6
Fred grew up in the Reedsburg area. He was inducted into the US Army on 27 may 1918, and served as a private in the 161st Dep. Brig; Batry. F, 333rd R.A. (Hv.); Co. M, 30th Inf. He arrived in Europe on 17 sep 1918, and served in Germany and France. He returned to the US on 23 aug 1919, and was mustered out of the Army. Fred went into the construction business upon his return and remained in that line of work all his life. He built many barns and homes in the Reedsburg area. In 1918 he bought his parent's home place of about three acres in Reedsburg Twp. (now in the City of Reedsburg, located on the East side of HW 23, where HW. K meets HW. 23, on the south side of town) This land is now owned by his grandson, Kurt Schrank and his wife. Lucinda also grew up in the Reedsburg area. She was a homemaker and while Red was away during WW I, she remained on the farm, taking care of her father-in-law, William Schrank. She also raised chickens and tended a large garden.7
circa 1898Circa 1898 family photo.
16 November 1913St. John's Lutheran Church, Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinFred Edward Schrank became the godfather at William Friederick Arnold Schuette's christening on 16 November 1913 at St. John's Lutheran Church, Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin; Lutheran.8
12 January 1916St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinFrederick Edward Schrank was a groomsman at the wedding of Henry William Schrank and Rosa Anna Henrietta Ziech on 12 January 1916 at St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin; Rose Ziech and Henry Schrank marriage announcement.
5 June 1917WWI Registration, Sauk, WisconsinOn 5 June 1917 at WWI Registration, Sauk, Wisconsin.
WWI Registration Card for Fred Schrank - Sauk, WI - 5 June 1917
May 1918Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinFrederick Edward Schrank purchased land in May 1918 at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin, Real estate transfer from William Schrank to Fred E Schrank $3,500.
Baraboo News Republic (Baraboo, Wisconsin) 11 May 1918 - Real estate transfers including William Schrank to Fred E Schrank in Reedsburg, 3500
23 August 1919Army Transport Service PassengerOn 23 August 1919 at Army Transport Service Passenger Departure Date:     13 Aug 1919
Departure Place:     Brest, France
Arrival date:     23 Aug 1919
Arrival Place:     Hoboken, New Jersey
Residence Place:     Reedsburg Wisconsin
Spouse:     Lucinda Schrank
Ship:     SOL NAVIS
Military Unit:     COMPANY M 30TH INFANTRY
Rank:     Private
Service Number:     2823840
Fred E Schrank - Army Transport from France to US arriving 23 Aug 1919
History of Reedsburg and the Upper Baraboo Valley - Schrank, Fred E
March 1926at the Henry Schrank home, Sauk, WisconsinIn March 1926 at at the Henry Schrank home, Sauk, Wisconsin, Schrank family reunion; guest of honor William Schrank Sr.
19 December 1928Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinHe witnessed the death of William Charles Frederick Schrank on 19 December 1928 at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin; William Schrank obituary.
25 April 1942WWII Registration, Sauk, WisconsinOn 25 April 1942 at WWII Registration, Sauk, Wisconsin.
WWII Registration Card for Fred Edward Schrank - Sauk, WI - 25 Apr 1942
WWII Registration Card for Fred Edward Schrank - Sauk, WI - 25 Apr 1942 - registration report
May 1968In May 1968 Lucinda Pauline (Grotelueschen) and Frederick Edward Schrank 50th wedding anniversary.
Lucinda Pauline (Grotelueschen) and Frederick Edward Schrank 1968

Child of Frederick Edward Schrank and Lucinda Pauline Caroline Grotelueschen


  1. [S214] Wisconsin Sauk Co Cemetery Records Vol 9, Pg 156.
  2. [S245] U.S. Federal Census 1900 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED143. Dwelling 199.
  3. [S244] U.S. Federal Census 1910 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED125. Dwelling 208.
  4. [S243] U.S. Federal Census 1920 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED176. Dwelling 138. Sheet 8B. Stamp 207A line 27.
  5. [S250] U.S. Federal Census 1930 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED56-31. Dwelling 168.
  6. [S373] U.S. Federal Census 1940 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, Year: 1940; Census Place: Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin; Roll: T627_4523; Page: 8A; Enumeration District: 56-33.
  7. [S3] Jeanette (Felske) Mrs. Edward Schrank, William C. Schuette, Lorna (Klitzke) Mrs. Maurice Slaney, Sue (Parkhurst) Mrs. Roger "Jake" Steinhoust Your Heritage Committee. Marcella (Parkhurst) Mrs. Jerome Meurer, Schrank Family Heritage.
  8. [S386] Lutheran Church, Evangelical Lutheran Church Records 1875-1940.

Ferdinand Schrank

M, b. 14 March 1855, d. 20 October 1917
Father*Gottfried Schrank b. c 1814, d. a 1882
Mother*Ernestine Henretta Wilhelmine Tessmann b. 5 Jun 1817, d. 27 Jun 1902
Name TypeDateDescription
Name VariationFerdinand Schrank was also known as Gottfried Ferdinand.
Name VariationFerdinand Schrank was also known as Fred.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth14 March 1855Ferdinand Schrank was born on 14 March 1855 at Gross Schonberg (Groß Schönberg), Dramburg, Dist. of Pommern, Germany, this part of Germany now is Drawsko Pomorskie, Poland.
He was the son of Gottfried Schrank and Ernestine Henretta Wilhelmine Tessmann.
Marriagecirca 1878Ferdinand Schrank married Bertha Roloff circa 1878 at Germany.
Death20 October 1917Ferdinand Schrank died on 20 October 1917 at from lockjaw, Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin, at age 62 Ferdinand Schrank obituary.
Baraboo Weekly News (Baraboo, Wisconsin) 01 Nov 1917 - Ferdinand Schrank obituary
Baraboo Weekly News (Baraboo, Wisconsin) 18 Oct 1917 - Ferdinand Schrank of Loganville has lockjaw
Burialafter 20 October 1917He was buried after 20 October 1917 at St. Peter's Lutheran Cemetery, Loganville, Sauk, Wisconsin.1
Census DateLocationDescription
20 June 1895Westfield, Sauk, WisconsinFerdinand Schrank appeared on the census of 20 June 1895 at Westfield, Sauk, Wisconsin, household includes 4 males and 5 females with 6 born in the US and 3 born in Germany.2
5 June 1900Westfield, Sauk, WisconsinHe was listed as the head of a family on the 1900 Census at Westfield, Sauk, Wisconsin.3
1 June 1905Westfield, Sauk, WisconsinHe appeared on the census of 1 June 1905 at Westfield, Sauk, Wisconsin.4
22 April 1910Westfield, Sauk, WisconsinHe was listed as the head of a family on the 1910 Census at Westfield, Sauk, Wisconsin.5
Ferdinand Schrank was born in the town of Gross Schonberg, in the county of Dramburg, in the state of Pomerania, Germany (today located in Poland). The town is now called Szczytniki. Ferdinand grew up and married Bertha Roloff while they both resided in their homeland of Germany. There they had two children, Reinhard and Gustav. In March of 1882, the family packed their belongings, left their home and headed for the German port of Bremen. There they boarded a ship which brought them to New York several weeks later. They settled on a farm southwest of Loganville, Wisconsin, where they lived most of their lives. On the 1900 census, Ferdinand is listed as being able to read, speak and write english. It also states that he owned his own farm. Ferdinand and Bertha had seven more children after arriving in the US. On January 21, 1914, Ferdinand swore his Oath of Allegiance to the USA, and became a citizen. Many persons who had been living in the US and had immigrated from Germany through the years, had not bothered to become naturalized. However, when WW I broke out, most rushed to become citizens so that they would not be deported back to Germany. Ferdinand died on 20 oct 1917, of lockjaw. He was 62 years old. Bertha died on 21 May 1947 at her home. She was 86.6
15 April 1882Bremen, Germany to, New YorkFerdinand Schrank and Bertha Roloff immigrated on 15 April 1882 to Bremen, Germany to, New York, Left Bremen, Germany on 02 Apr 1882
Arrival Date: 15 Apr 1882
Ethnicity/ Nationality: Prussian (German)
Place of Origin: Prussia
Port of Departure: Bremen, Germany
Destination: United States of America
Port of Arrival: New York, New York
Ship Name: Donau
#110     Gottfried Schrank Age: 27 Male      [AKA: Ferdinand Schrank, son of #114]
#111     Bertha (Roloff) Age: 21 Female Wife
#112     Reinhard      Age: 8 Male Child
#113     Gustav           Age: 6 Male Child
#114      Berend           Age: 68 Male      [AKA: Bernard or Gottfried Schrank, presumably father of #110].
Ship SS Donau
15 Apr 1882 New York Passenger List of Ship Donau - Gottfried (Ferdinand) and Bertha Schrank
1893Westfield, Sauk, WisconsinFerdinand Schrank lived in 1893 at Westfield, Sauk, Wisconsin, Fred Schrank land map.
Fred Schrank land 1893 Westfield, Sauk, WI
October 1904Westfield, Sauk, WisconsinHe purchased land in October 1904 at Westfield, Sauk, Wisconsin, real estate transfer from Henry Westedt to Ferdinand Schrank for $4,500.
Baraboo News Republic (Baraboo, Wisconsin) 22 Oct 1904 - real estate transfer - Henry Wested to Ferdinand Schrank - Westfield 4,500
Baraboo Republic (Baraboo, Wisconsin) 02 Nov 1904 - Real estate transfer - Henry Westedt to Ferdinand Schrank - Westfield 4500
2 June 1914Circuit Court, Baraboo, Sauk, WisconsinHe was naturalized on 2 June 1914 at Circuit Court, Baraboo, Sauk, Wisconsin, Address listed: Town Westfield, P. O. Loganville, R.1, Wis.
Ferdinand Schrank naturalization record - Sauk, WI 02 Jun 1914
Baraboo News Republic (Baraboo, Wisconsin) 04 Jun 1914 - New US citizens including Ferdinand, Gustav and Reinhold Schrank

Children of Ferdinand Schrank and Bertha Roloff


  1. [S181] Wisconsin, Sauk Co Cemetery Records Vol 2, pg 69.
  2. [S364] Wisconsin State Census Wisconsin State Censuses, 1895 and 1905, by Ancestry.com.
  3. [S245] U.S. Federal Census 1900 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, Sheet 4A. Stamp 140. Dwelling 36. ED 149.
  4. [S364] Wisconsin State Census Wisconsin State Censuses, 1895 and 1905, by Ancestry.com, Dwelling 34.
  5. [S244] U.S. Federal Census 1910 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, Dwelling . ED 130.
  6. [S3] Jeanette (Felske) Mrs. Edward Schrank, William C. Schuette, Lorna (Klitzke) Mrs. Maurice Slaney, Sue (Parkhurst) Mrs. Roger "Jake" Steinhoust Your Heritage Committee. Marcella (Parkhurst) Mrs. Jerome Meurer, Schrank Family Heritage.

Gustav H. Krohn

M, b. 17 May 1872, d. 20 June 1953
Father*Jacob Krohn b. Apr 1841, d. 9 May 1910
Mother*Margretha Struck b. Mar 1843, d. 9 Nov 1911
Gustav Krohn-Colorized
Gustav Krohn
Name TypeDateDescription
Name VariationGustav H. Krohn was also known as August.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth17 May 1872Gustav H. Krohn was born at Wisconsin on 17 May 1872.
He was the son of Jacob Krohn and Margretha Struck.
Marriage10 April 1895Gustav H. Krohn married Mary Schrank, daughter of William Charles Frederick Schrank and Matilda Augusta Koepp, on 10 April 1895 at Lutheran ceremony, Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.
Death20 June 1953Gustav H. Krohn died on 20 June 1953, at age 81.
Burialafter 20 June 1953He was buried after 20 June 1953 at St. Peter's Lutheran Cemetery, Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.1
Census DateLocationDescription
17 June 1880Washington, Sauk, WisconsinGustav H. Krohn was listed as a son in Jacob Krohn's household on the 1880 Census at Washington, Sauk, Wisconsin.2
14 June 1900Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinGustav H. Krohn was listed as the head of a family on the 1900 Census at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.3
28 April 1910Reedsburg Town, Sauk, WisconsinHe was listed as the head of a family on the 1910 Census at Reedsburg Town, Sauk, Wisconsin.4
20 January 1920Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinHe was listed as the head of a family on the 1920 Census at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.5
12 April 1930Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinHe was listed as the head of a family on the 1930 Census at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.6
25 April 1940Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinHe was listed as father in William Frederick Krohn's household on the 1940 Census at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.7
1950Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinGustav H. Krohn was listed as father in William Frederick Krohn's household on the 1950 Census at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.8
Family of Mary Schrank and Gustav Krohn.
Family of Mary Schrank and Gustav Krohn-Colorized
Family of Mary Schrank and Gustav Krohn
Gustav and Mary operated a farm near Reedsburg most of their lives.9
March 1926at the Henry Schrank home, Sauk, WisconsinIn March 1926 at at the Henry Schrank home, Sauk, Wisconsin, Schrank family reunion; guest of honor William Schrank Sr.

Children of Gustav H. Krohn and Mary Schrank


  1. [S214] Wisconsin Sauk Co Cemetery Records Vol 9, Pg 150.
  2. [S246] U.S. Federal Census 1880 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, Stamp 271. Page 19. ED264. Dwelling 174.
  3. [S245] U.S. Federal Census 1900 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED143. Dwelling 130-131.
  4. [S244] U.S. Federal Census 1910 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED125. Dwelling 80.
  5. [S243] U.S. Federal Census 1920 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED176. Sheet 9A. Stamp 207. Dwelling 137.
  6. [S250] U.S. Federal Census 1930 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED56-31. Dwelling 114.
  7. [S373] U.S. Federal Census 1940 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, Year: 1940; Census Place: Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin; Roll: T627_4523; Page: 9A; Enumeration District: 56-33.
  8. [S423] U.S. Federal Census 1950 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, United States of America, Bureau of the Census; Washington, D.C.; Seventeenth Census of the United States, 1950; Record Group: Records of the Bureau of the Census, 1790-2007; Record Group Number: 29; Residence Date: 1950; Home in 1950: Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin; Roll: 3940; Sheet Number: 11; Enumeration District: 56-45.
  9. [S3] Jeanette (Felske) Mrs. Edward Schrank, William C. Schuette, Lorna (Klitzke) Mrs. Maurice Slaney, Sue (Parkhurst) Mrs. Roger "Jake" Steinhoust Your Heritage Committee. Marcella (Parkhurst) Mrs. Jerome Meurer, Schrank Family Heritage.

William Frederick Krohn

M, b. 7 February 1896, d. 29 December 1977
Father*Gustav H. Krohn b. 17 May 1872, d. 20 Jun 1953
Mother*Mary Schrank b. 17 Aug 1871, d. 17 Jun 1949
William Frederick Krohn-Colorized
William F Krohn
SOCIALSECUWilliam Frederick Krohn obtained US Social Security Card at Wisconsin; last residence Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth7 February 1896William Frederick Krohn was born on 7 February 1896 at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.
He was the son of Gustav H. Krohn and Mary Schrank.
Marriage26 November 1919William Frederick Krohn married Alta Leona Benseman at St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin, on 26 November 1919.
Death29 December 1977William Frederick Krohn died on 29 December 1977 at Sauk, Wisconsin, at age 81 William Frederick Krohn obituary.
Madison Wisconsin State Journal December 31, 1977 - William Frederick Krohn obituary
Burialafter 29 December 1977He was buried after 29 December 1977 at St. Peter's Lutheran Cemetery, Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin, WW I.1
Census DateLocationDescription
14 June 1900Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinWilliam Frederick Krohn was listed as a son in Gustav H. Krohn's household on the 1900 Census at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.2
28 April 1910Reedsburg Town, Sauk, WisconsinWilliam Frederick Krohn was listed as a son in Gustav H. Krohn's household on the 1910 Census at Reedsburg Town, Sauk, Wisconsin.3
20 January 1920Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinWilliam Frederick Krohn was listed as a son in Gustav H. Krohn's household on the 1920 Census at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.4
12 April 1930Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinWilliam Frederick Krohn was listed as a son in Gustav H. Krohn's household on the 1930 Census at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.5
25 April 1940Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinWilliam Frederick Krohn was listed as the head of a family on the 1940 Census at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.6
1950Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinHe was listed as the head of a family on the 1950 Census at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.7
Family of Mary Schrank and Gustav Krohn.
William served in the US Army during WW I. He then took up farming and worked the land for 60 years.8

Child of William Frederick Krohn and Alta Leona Benseman


  1. [S214] Wisconsin Sauk Co Cemetery Records Vol 9, Pg 150.
  2. [S245] U.S. Federal Census 1900 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED143. Dwelling 130-131.
  3. [S244] U.S. Federal Census 1910 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED125. Dwelling 80.
  4. [S243] U.S. Federal Census 1920 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED176. Sheet 9A. Stamp 207. Dwelling 137.
  5. [S250] U.S. Federal Census 1930 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED56-31. Dwelling 114.
  6. [S373] U.S. Federal Census 1940 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, Year: 1940; Census Place: Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin; Roll: T627_4523; Page: 9A; Enumeration District: 56-33.
  7. [S423] U.S. Federal Census 1950 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, United States of America, Bureau of the Census; Washington, D.C.; Seventeenth Census of the United States, 1950; Record Group: Records of the Bureau of the Census, 1790-2007; Record Group Number: 29; Residence Date: 1950; Home in 1950: Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin; Roll: 3940; Sheet Number: 11; Enumeration District: 56-45.
  8. [S3] Jeanette (Felske) Mrs. Edward Schrank, William C. Schuette, Lorna (Klitzke) Mrs. Maurice Slaney, Sue (Parkhurst) Mrs. Roger "Jake" Steinhoust Your Heritage Committee. Marcella (Parkhurst) Mrs. Jerome Meurer, Schrank Family Heritage, page 26.

Meta Krohn

F, b. 17 October 1898, d. 14 August 1954
Father*Gustav H. Krohn b. 17 May 1872, d. 20 Jun 1953
Mother*Mary Schrank b. 17 Aug 1871, d. 17 Jun 1949
Meta Krohn-Colorized
Meta Krohn
Name TypeDateDescription
Name VariationMeta Krohn was also known as Matie.
Married Name6 April 1921As of 6 April 1921,her married name was Schroeder.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth17 October 1898Meta Krohn was born on 17 October 1898 at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.
She was the daughter of Gustav H. Krohn and Mary Schrank.
Marriage6 April 1921Meta Krohn married William Herman Schroeder, son of Henry Peter Schroeder and Emma Dorothea Schulenberg, on 6 April 1921 at Sauk, Wisconsin.
Death14 August 1954Meta Krohn died on 14 August 1954 at Madison, Dane, Wisconsin, at age 55 Mrs Meta (Krohn) Schroeder obituary.
Madison Wisconsin State Journal August 15, 1954 - Mrs Meta (Krohn) Schroeder obituary
Burialafter 14 August 1954She was buried after 14 August 1954 at Saint Peters Evangelical Lutheran Cemetery, Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.1
Census DateLocationDescription
14 June 1900Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinMeta Krohn was listed as a daughter in Gustav H. Krohn's household on the 1900 Census at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.2
28 April 1910Reedsburg Town, Sauk, WisconsinMeta Krohn was listed as a daughter in Gustav H. Krohn's household on the 1910 Census at Reedsburg Town, Sauk, Wisconsin.3
20 January 1920Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinMeta Krohn was listed as a daughter in Gustav H. Krohn's household on the 1920 Census at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.4
12 April 1930Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinMeta Krohn was listed as a sister-in-law in Heinrich Albert August Schroeder's household on the 1930 Census at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.5
Family of Mary Schrank and Gustav Krohn.

Child of Meta Krohn and William Herman Schroeder


  1. [S214] Wisconsin Sauk Co Cemetery Records Vol 9, Pg 115.
  2. [S245] U.S. Federal Census 1900 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED143. Dwelling 130-131.
  3. [S244] U.S. Federal Census 1910 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED125. Dwelling 80.
  4. [S243] U.S. Federal Census 1920 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED176. Sheet 9A. Stamp 207. Dwelling 137.
  5. [S250] U.S. Federal Census 1930 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED56-31. Dwelling 110.

Esther E. Krohn

F, b. 26 June 1901, d. 13 January 1968
Father*Gustav H. Krohn b. 17 May 1872, d. 20 Jun 1953
Mother*Mary Schrank b. 17 Aug 1871, d. 17 Jun 1949
Esther Krohn-Colorized
Esther Krohn
Name TypeDateDescription
Married Name20 February 1924As of 20 February 1924,her married name was Schroeder.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth26 June 1901Esther E. Krohn was born on 26 June 1901 at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin, also reported as 27 Jun 1901.
She was the daughter of Gustav H. Krohn and Mary Schrank.
Marriage20 February 1924Esther E. Krohn married Heinrich Albert August Schroeder, son of Henry Peter Schroeder and Emma Dorothea Schulenberg, on 20 February 1924 at Sauk, Wisconsin.
Death13 January 1968Esther E. Krohn died on 13 January 1968 at Sauk, Wisconsin, at age 66.
Burialafter 13 January 1968Her body was interred after 13 January 1968 at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin, at St. Peter's Lutheran Cemetery.1
Census DateLocationDescription
28 April 1910Reedsburg Town, Sauk, WisconsinEsther E. Krohn was listed as a daughter in Gustav H. Krohn's household on the 1910 Census at Reedsburg Town, Sauk, Wisconsin.2
20 January 1920Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinEsther E. Krohn was listed as a daughter in Gustav H. Krohn's household on the 1920 Census at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.3
12 April 1930Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinEsther E. Krohn was listed as wife in Heinrich Albert August Schroeder's household on the 1930 Census at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.4
Family of Mary Schrank and Gustav Krohn.
March 1926at the Henry Schrank home, Sauk, WisconsinIn March 1926 at at the Henry Schrank home, Sauk, Wisconsin, Schrank family reunion; guest of honor William Schrank Sr.

Child of Esther E. Krohn and Heinrich Albert August Schroeder


  1. [S214] Wisconsin Sauk Co Cemetery Records Vol 9, Pg 158.
  2. [S244] U.S. Federal Census 1910 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED125. Dwelling 80.
  3. [S243] U.S. Federal Census 1920 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED176. Sheet 9A. Stamp 207. Dwelling 137.
  4. [S250] U.S. Federal Census 1930 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED56-31. Dwelling 110.

Arlene Marian Krohn

F, b. 22 November 1925, d. 5 November 2016
Father*William Frederick Krohn b. 7 Feb 1896, d. 29 Dec 1977
Mother*Alta Leona Benseman b. 29 Oct 1897, d. 31 Dec 1994
Arline Krohn - Reedsburg High School, Reedsburg, Sauk, WI 1943
Arlene Marion Krohn Steinweg
Name TypeDateDescription
Name VariationArlene Marian Krohn was also known as Arline.
Married Name23 October 1948As of 23 October 1948,her married name was Steinweg.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth22 November 1925Arlene Marian Krohn was born on 22 November 1925 at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.
She was the daughter of William Frederick Krohn and Alta Leona Benseman.
Marriage23 October 1948Elmer Herbert Steinweg married Arlene Marian Krohn at St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Reedsburg, Wisconsin, on 23 October 1948.
Death5 November 2016She died on 5 November 2016 at Sauk, Wisconsin, at age 90 Arlene Marion Steinweg, 90, of Reedsburg, passed away on Saturday, November 5, 2016, at the Sauk County Health Care Center. This was the same day that her husband Elmer passed away 16 years earlier. She was born on November 22, 1925, in Reedsburg, to William and Alta Krohn. Arlene was baptized at St. Peter’s Lutheran Church on December 20, 1925, and was confirmed in her Faith on April 2, 1939. She attended St. Peter’s Lutheran Grade School and graduated from Reedsburg High School in 1945. Following her high school graduation, Arlene attended Sauk County Normal School. On October 23, 1948, Arlene married Elmer Steinweg at St. Peter’s Lutheran Church. They were blessed with 52 years of marriage. Together they raised three daughters on the family dairy farm.
Arlene was one of the most loving and positively-focused people that God ever created. Her love for her Lord, for her family, and for her friends was limitless. She gave her daughters wisdom, encouragement, support, assurance, and fostered their relationship with the Lord.
Arlene loved to travel and she went on many trips around the United States and Canada. She enjoyed taking photographs of the places she visited, and she created scrapbooks about her travels. She was a talented seamstress, a great cook, and a very skilled card player. But most of all, Arlene was fun to be around. She saw the beauty in nature and the best in people. Her favorite times were spent with family and her many friends.
Arlene is survived by her three daughters – Sharon Mylrea (Wayne) of McFarland, Susan Strong (Jeff) of Fond du Lac, and Sandra Herritz (Robb Johnson) of Reedsburg. Arlene is also survived by her eight grandchildren – Ryan (Megan) Mylrea, Allyson (Ryan) Thut, Brent Mylrea, Jonathan Strong, Thomas Strong, Jennifer Strong, Megan Herritz and Samantha Herritz and Timothy Herritz. Five great grandchildren also survive Arlene – Kendal Roecker, Chase Roecker, Rylee Roecker, Zoey Roecker and Mason Thut. Arlene is further survived by her sister-in-law in Kentucky, Willanna Steinweg. In addition to her parents, Arlene was preceded in death by her husband Elmer on November 5, 2000.
Arlene’s family would like to extend their heartfelt appreciation to the staff at the Sauk County Health Care Center who lovingly cared for her at the end of her earthly journey.
A funeral service celebrating Arlene’s life will be held at 11:00 AM on Friday, November 11, 2016, at St. Peter’s Ev. Lutheran Church, Reedsburg, with Pastor Paul Crolius officiating. Visitation will be on Thursday from 4:00 until 8:00 PM at the Farber Funeral Home, Reedsburg, and on Friday from 10:00 AM until the time of service at the church. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to St. Peter’s Ev. Lutheran Church.
Madison Wisconsin State Journal November 8, 2016 - Arlene Marion (Krohn) Steinweg obituary
Burialafter 5 November 2016She was buried after 5 November 2016 at Saint Peters Evangelical Lutheran Cemetery, Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.
Census DateLocationDescription
12 April 1930Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinArlene Marian Krohn was listed as a granddaughter in Gustav H. Krohn's household on the 1930 Census at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.1
25 April 1940Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinArlene Marian Krohn was listed as a daughter in William Frederick Krohn's household on the 1940 Census at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.2
Photo of Elmer Herbert and Arlene Marian (Krohn) Steinweg.
Elmer Herbert and Arlene Marian (Krohn) Steinweg
1943Reedsburg High School, Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinArlene Marian Krohn graduated in 1943 at Reedsburg High School, Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.


  1. [S250] U.S. Federal Census 1930 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED56-31. Dwelling 114.
  2. [S373] U.S. Federal Census 1940 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, Year: 1940; Census Place: Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin; Roll: T627_4523; Page: 9A; Enumeration District: 56-33.

Alta Leona Benseman

F, b. 29 October 1897, d. 31 December 1994
Father*Henry J. Benseman b. 1868, d. 22 Jul 1939
Mother*Mary E. Sussner b. 2 Feb 1873, d. 14 Dec 1941
Alta Benseman 1913
Name TypeDateDescription
Name VariationAlta Leona Benseman was also known as Ealta.
Name VariationAlta Leona Benseman was also known as Bensemann.
Married Name26 November 1919As of 26 November 1919,her married name was Krohn.
SOCIALSECUAlta Leona Benseman obtained US Social Security Card at Wisconsin; last residence Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth29 October 1897Alta Leona Benseman was born on 29 October 1897 at Sauk, Wisconsin.
She was the daughter of Henry J. Benseman and Mary E. Sussner.
Marriage26 November 1919William Frederick Krohn married Alta Leona Benseman at St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin, on 26 November 1919.
Death31 December 1994She died on 31 December 1994 at age 97.
BurialJanuary 1995She was buried in January 1995 at St. Peter's Lutheran Cemetery, Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.1
Census DateLocationDescription
1910Dellona, Sauk, WisconsinAlta Leona Benseman was listed as a daughter in Henry J. Benseman's household on the 1910 Census at Dellona, Sauk, Wisconsin.2
20 January 1920Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinAlta Leona Benseman was listed as a Daughter-in-Law in Gustav H. Krohn's household on the 1920 Census at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.3
12 April 1930Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinAlta Leona Benseman was listed as a daughter-in-law in Gustav H. Krohn's household on the 1930 Census at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.4
25 April 1940Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinAlta Leona Benseman was listed as wife in William Frederick Krohn's household on the 1940 Census at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.5
1950Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinAlta Leona Benseman was listed as wife in William Frederick Krohn's household on the 1950 Census at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.6
1913Reedsburg High School, Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinAlta Leona Benseman attended school in 1913 at Reedsburg High School, Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin, on girls basketball team.
Alta Benseman 1913 girls basketball team Reedsburg High School, Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin

Child of Alta Leona Benseman and William Frederick Krohn


  1. [S214] Wisconsin Sauk Co Cemetery Records Vol 9, Pg 150.
  2. [S244] U.S. Federal Census 1910 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, Year: 1910; Census Place: Dellona, Sauk, Wisconsin; Roll: T624_1736; Page: 14B; Enumeration District: 111; Image: 814.
  3. [S243] U.S. Federal Census 1920 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED176. Sheet 9A. Stamp 207. Dwelling 137.
  4. [S250] U.S. Federal Census 1930 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED56-31. Dwelling 114.
  5. [S373] U.S. Federal Census 1940 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, Year: 1940; Census Place: Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin; Roll: T627_4523; Page: 9A; Enumeration District: 56-33.
  6. [S423] U.S. Federal Census 1950 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, United States of America, Bureau of the Census; Washington, D.C.; Seventeenth Census of the United States, 1950; Record Group: Records of the Bureau of the Census, 1790-2007; Record Group Number: 29; Residence Date: 1950; Home in 1950: Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin; Roll: 3940; Sheet Number: 11; Enumeration District: 56-45.

Adela Louise Magdalene Meyer

F, b. 22 February 1906, d. 13 March 2003
Father*George Meyer b. 22 Sep 1871, d. 25 Nov 1928
Mother*Marie Schumacher b. 2 Feb 1869, d. 21 May 1941
Name TypeDateDescription
Name VariationAdela Louise Magdalene Meyer was also known as Adella.
Married Name4 April 1925As of 4 April 1925,her married name was Friede.
SOCIALSECUAdela Louise Magdalene Meyer obtained US Social Security Card at Wisconsin; last residence Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth22 February 1906Adela Louise Magdalene Meyer was born at Wisconsin on 22 February 1906.
She was the daughter of George Meyer and Marie Schumacher.
Marriage4 April 1925Adela Louise Magdalene Meyer married Arnold William Frederick Friede, son of William Henry Albert Friede and Louise Emille Augusta Schrank, on 4 April 1925.
Death13 March 2003Adela Louise Magdalene Meyer died on 13 March 2003 at age 97 Adela L. Friede, age 97, of Reedsburg, died Thursday, March 13, 2003, at Sauk County Health Care Center. She is survived by her children, Roger Friede and Berdyne Thompson of Reedsburg, and Mary (Virgil) Sinner of Baraboo; four grandchildren, Roger (Ellen) Friede Jr. of Reedsburg, Kristine (Larry) Grider of Indianapolis, Ind., David (Donna) Sinner of Verona, and Kathleen (Richard) Gallus of Beaver Dam; seven great-grandchildren, Jocelyn, Matthew, Luke, Tiffannie, Ashley, Lauren, and Leah; a step-great-grandchild, Michael; nieces and nephews; other relatives and friends. Funeral services for Adela Friede will be conducted at 2 p.m. Sunday, March 16, 2003, at ST. PETER'S EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH, Reedsburg, with the Rev. Kevin J. Kohnke officiating. Burial will follow in St. Peter's Lutheran Cemetery.
Madison Wisconsin State Journal March 14, 2003 - Adela Louise (Meyer) Friede obituary
Burialafter 13 March 2003She was buried after 13 March 2003 at St. Peter's Lutheran Cemetery, Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.1
Census DateLocationDescription
15 April 1910Ableman, Sauk, WisconsinAdela Louise Magdalene Meyer was listed as a daughter in George Meyer's household on the 1910 Census at Ableman, Sauk, Wisconsin.2
3 January 1920Excelsior, Sauk, WisconsinAdela Louise Magdalene Meyer was listed as a daughter in George Meyer's household on the 1920 Census at Excelsior, Sauk, Wisconsin.3
15 April 1930Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinAdela Louise Magdalene Meyer was listed as wife in Arnold William Frederick Friede's household on the 1930 Census at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin; Living at 420 North Cork.4
2 May 1940Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinAdela Louise Magdalene Meyer was listed as wife in Arnold William Frederick Friede's household on the 1940 Census at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin; Living at 215 N. Dewey Ave. Living next door to W. H. Friede.5
5 April 1950Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinAdela Louise Magdalene Meyer was listed as wife in Arnold William Frederick Friede's household on the 1950 Census at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.6
21 May 1941Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinAdela Louise Magdalene Meyer witnessed the death of Marie Schumacher on 21 May 1941 at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin; Marie Schumacher Meyer obituary.

Children of Adela Louise Magdalene Meyer and Arnold William Frederick Friede


  1. [S214] Wisconsin Sauk Co Cemetery Records Vol 9, Pg. 129.
  2. [S244] U.S. Federal Census 1910 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED113. Dwelling 19.
  3. [S243] U.S. Federal Census 1920 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED152. Dwelling 38.
  4. [S250] U.S. Federal Census 1930 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED56-30. Ward 2. Dwelling 260.
  5. [S373] U.S. Federal Census 1940 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED56-32a. Dwelling 364. Sheet 15b.
  6. [S423] U.S. Federal Census 1950 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED56-41. Sheet 6.

Roger Arnold Friede Sr.

M, b. 26 July 1926, d. 16 October 2019
Father*Arnold William Frederick Friede b. 12 Mar 1900, d. 29 Jul 1956
Mother*Adela Louise Magdalene Meyer b. 22 Feb 1906, d. 13 Mar 2003
Roger Arnold Friede Sr
Roger Friede 1994 yearbook photo
Roger Friede Sr in 2012
Life EventDateDescription
Birth26 July 1926Roger Arnold Friede Sr. was born on 26 July 1926 at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.
He was the son of Arnold William Frederick Friede and Adela Louise Magdalene Meyer.
Marriage23 January 1953Roger Arnold Friede Sr. married Elaine Ida Towers, daughter of Walter J. Towers and Fernanda H. Schulze, on 23 January 1953 at St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.
Death16 October 2019Roger Arnold Friede Sr. died on 16 October 2019 at age 93 Roger A. Friede Sr., age 93, of Reedsburg, died on Wednesday, October 16, 2019 at Casa de Oakes in Reedsburg. He was born on July 26, 1926 in Reedsburg, the son of Arnold and Adela (Meyer) Friede. Roger was a veteran of both World War II and the Korean Conflict serving with the U.S. Army. On January 23, 1953, he was married to the former Elaine I. Towers. Roger was the owner of Friede Brothers Construction for about forty years. He enjoyed coin collecting and traveling. Roger was very proud to have visited all seven continents in the world. He also enjoyed spending time with his family. Roger was a lifelong member of St. Peter's Lutheran Church, a member of the Reedsburg Lions, the Associated Builders and Contractors, the Reedsburg VFW Post 1916 and the 40et8. He will be remembered for his generous kind soul. Survivors include his two children: Kristine (Larry) Grider, of Westfield, Indiana and Roger (Ellen) Friede Jr., of Reedsburg; four grandchildren: Michael and Jocelyn Grider; Matthew and Luke Friede; his sister: Mary Sinner, of Baraboo; other relatives and friends. He was preceded in death by his wife, Elaine, on October 12, 1997 and his parents. Funeral services will be conducted at 11:00 A.M. on Saturday, November 30, 2019 at St. Peter's Ev. Lutheran Church in Reedsburg with Pastor Paul Crolius officiating. Interment with military honors will be in St. Peter's Lutheran Cemetery. There will be a visitation on Friday, November 29, 2019 from 4:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. at the Hoof Funeral Home in Reedsburg and after 10:00 A.M. on Saturday at the church. In lieu of flowers, memorials to St. Peter's Lutheran Church would be appreciated. The Hoof Funeral Home is serving the family.
Wisconsin State Journal (Madison, Wisconsin) 18 Oct 2019 - Robert A Friede Sr obituary
Burialafter 16 October 2019He was buried after 16 October 2019 at Saint Peters Evangelical Lutheran Cemetery, Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.
Census DateLocationDescription
15 April 1930Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinRoger Arnold Friede Sr. was listed as a son in Arnold William Frederick Friede's household on the 1930 Census at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin; Living at 420 North Cork.1
2 May 1940Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinRoger Arnold Friede Sr. was listed as a son in Arnold William Frederick Friede's household on the 1940 Census at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin; Living at 215 N. Dewey Ave. Living next door to W. H. Friede.2
5 April 1950Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinRoger Arnold Friede Sr. was listed as a son in Arnold William Frederick Friede's household on the 1950 Census at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.3
Roger worked for the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad as a Signalman for 5 years and for the Reedsburg Wollen Mill as a bookkeeper for 5 years. He served in the US Army from 1944-1946 during WW II, and again in the army in 1950 during the Korean Conflict. Roger is the owner of Friede Brothers Construction Co., Inc. in Reedsburg. He has been in construction for the past 30 years.Elaine is a bookkeeper at Friede Brothers Construction and has worked there for the past 17 years.4
Portrait of Elaine Ida (Towers) and Roger Arnold Friede.
Elaine Ida (Towers) and Roger Arnold Friede
1944Reedsburg High School, Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinRoger Arnold Friede Sr. graduated in 1944 at Reedsburg High School, Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.
Reesburg High School Yearbook 1944 - Friede, Roger
October 1949Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinHe was a hired by Chicago and North Western Railroad as signalman helper in October 1949 at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.
3 August 1952Rock Springs, Rock, WisconsinHe was an usher at the wedding of Loretta Louise Anna Marie Schaefer and Ernest August Henry Schrank on 3 August 1952 at Rock Springs, Rock, Wisconsin; Loretta Schaeffer and Ernest Schrank engagement announcement.


  1. [S250] U.S. Federal Census 1930 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED56-30. Ward 2. Dwelling 260.
  2. [S373] U.S. Federal Census 1940 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED56-32a. Dwelling 364. Sheet 15b.
  3. [S423] U.S. Federal Census 1950 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED56-41. Sheet 6.
  4. [S3] Jeanette (Felske) Mrs. Edward Schrank, William C. Schuette, Lorna (Klitzke) Mrs. Maurice Slaney, Sue (Parkhurst) Mrs. Roger "Jake" Steinhoust Your Heritage Committee. Marcella (Parkhurst) Mrs. Jerome Meurer, Schrank Family Heritage.

Mary Louise Friede

F, b. 4 May 1928, d. 15 April 2021
Father*Arnold William Frederick Friede b. 12 Mar 1900, d. 29 Jul 1956
Mother*Adela Louise Magdalene Meyer b. 22 Feb 1906, d. 13 Mar 2003
Mary Friede 1946-Colorized
Mary Friede 1946
Reesburg High School Yearbook 1944 - Friede, Mary - sophomore
Mary Louise (Friede) Sinner portrait
Name TypeDateDescription
Married Name25 June 1949As of 25 June 1949,her married name was Sinner.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth4 May 1928Mary Louise Friede was born on 4 May 1928 at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.
She was the daughter of Arnold William Frederick Friede and Adela Louise Magdalene Meyer.
Marriage25 June 1949Mary Louise Friede married John Virgil Sinner, son of John Emil Sinner and Mildred J. Johnson, on 25 June 1949 at Lutheran; St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.
Death15 April 2021Mary Louise Friede died on 15 April 2021 at age 92 Mary Louise (Friede) Sinner, age 92, of Baraboo, passed away Thursday, April 15, 2021, at home surrounded by her family. Mary was born to Arnold and Adela (Meyer) Friede on May 4, 1928, in Reedsburg, Wis.

Mary was confirmed into Christian faith at St. Peter’s Lutheran Church in Reedsburg, in March 1942. She graduated from Webb High School in 1946. She earned her bachelor’s in elementary education in Platteville, Wis. She taught for the Baraboo School District, at Lyons Elementary, and Lower Narrows. Mary was the first-grade teacher and principal at Fairfield Center; she was the first principal. Mary was married to Virgil Sinner on June 25, 1949, in Reedsburg, Wis., at St. Peter’s Lutheran Church.

Mary loved to paint and sell ceramics, crafts, and traveling the world with Virgil. She also liked spending time with her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. Mary loved to garden and enjoyed birdwatching on the family farm. She was member of St. John’s Evangelical Church of Baraboo, Wis.

Mary was preceded in death by her husband, Virgil; parents, Arnold and Adela Friede; brother, Roger Friede; and sister-in-law, Elaine Friede.

Mary is survived by her children, Kathleen (Richard) Gallus of Beaver Dam, Wis., and David (Donna) Sinner of Verona, Wis; grandchildren, Tiffannie (Matt) Sorenson of Green Bay, Wis., Ashley (Nick) Moorehead of DeForest, Wis., Lauren Sinner of Portland, Ore., and Leah Sinner of Cottage Grove, Wis; great-grandson, Miles Sorenson of Green Bay, Wis; and great-granddaughters, Jamello and Kamellia of DeForest, Wis.

Memorials may be given in Mary’s name to St. John’s Evangelical Church or Donate to Friends of Devil’s Lake.

A private graveside service will be held at Fairfield Cemetery, Sunday, April 25 at 1 p.m. with Pastor Tim Kuske officiating.
Mary Louise (Friede) Sinner obituary
Burialafter 15 April 2021She was buried after 15 April 2021 at Fairfield Cemetery, Sauk, Wisconsin.
Census DateLocationDescription
15 April 1930Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinMary Louise Friede was listed as a daughter in Arnold William Frederick Friede's household on the 1930 Census at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin; Living at 420 North Cork.1
2 May 1940Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinMary Louise Friede was listed as a daughter in Arnold William Frederick Friede's household on the 1940 Census at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin; Living at 215 N. Dewey Ave. Living next door to W. H. Friede.2
Mary is a teacher in the Baraboo School System and has worked there to the past 26 years. John is a Dispatcher for the Sauk Co. Sheriff's Dept. in Baraboo. He has been employeed there for the past 20 years.3
Portrait of Mary Louise (Friede) and John Virgil Sinner.
Mary Louise Friede and John Virgil Sinner-Colorized
Mary Louise (Friede) and John Virgil Sinner
May 1942Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinIn May 1942 at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin, Mary Friede graduates from 8th grade at St Peters Lutheran school.
Madison Capital Times May 14, 1942 - Mary Friede graduates from 8th grade at St Peters Lutheran school
1946Reedsburg High School, Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinMary Louise Friede attended school in 1946 at Reedsburg High School, Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.
Reedsburg High School, Reedsburg, Sauk, WI yearbook entry 1946 Mary Friede
2008S4039 County Road T, Baraboo, Sauk, WisconsinShe lived in 2008 at S4039 County Road T, Baraboo, Sauk, Wisconsin.


  1. [S250] U.S. Federal Census 1930 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED56-30. Ward 2. Dwelling 260.
  2. [S373] U.S. Federal Census 1940 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED56-32a. Dwelling 364. Sheet 15b.
  3. [S3] Jeanette (Felske) Mrs. Edward Schrank, William C. Schuette, Lorna (Klitzke) Mrs. Maurice Slaney, Sue (Parkhurst) Mrs. Roger "Jake" Steinhoust Your Heritage Committee. Marcella (Parkhurst) Mrs. Jerome Meurer, Schrank Family Heritage.

Elaine Ida Towers

F, b. 15 June 1927, d. 12 October 1997
Father*Walter J. Towers b. 18 Nov 1887, d. 11 Sep 1940
Mother*Fernanda H. Schulze b. 10 Jun 1893, d. 25 May 1980
Elaine Towers 1945-Colorized
Elaine Towers 1945
Elaine Ida (Towers) Friede 1997
Name TypeDateDescription
Married Name23 January 1953As of 23 January 1953,her married name was Friede.
SOCIALSECUElaine Ida Towers obtained US Social Security Card at Wisconsin; last residence Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth15 June 1927Elaine Ida Towers was born at Wisconsin on 15 June 1927.
She was the daughter of Walter J. Towers and Fernanda H. Schulze.
Marriage23 January 1953Elaine Ida Towers married Roger Arnold Friede Sr., son of Arnold William Frederick Friede and Adela Louise Magdalene Meyer, on 23 January 1953 at St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.
Death12 October 1997Elaine Ida Towers died on 12 October 1997 at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin, at age 70 Elaine Ida (Towers) Friede obituary.
Madison Wisconsin State Journal October 14, 1997 - Elaine Ida (Towers) Friede obituary
Census DateLocationDescription
2 April 1930Merrimac, Sauk, WisconsinElaine Ida Towers was listed as a daughter in Walter J. Towers's household on the 1930 Census at Merrimac, Sauk, Wisconsin.1
Portrait of Elaine Ida (Towers) and Roger Arnold Friede.
Elaine Ida (Towers) and Roger Arnold Friede
1945Reedsburg High School, Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinElaine Ida Towers attended school in 1945 at Reedsburg High School, Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.
Elaine Towers - Reedsburg High School, Reedsburg, Sauk, WI 1945


  1. [S250] U.S. Federal Census 1930 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED56-24. Dwelling 24.

John Virgil Sinner

M, b. 4 August 1924, d. 20 July 2004
Father*John Emil Sinner b. 19 Aug 1897, d. 1953
Mother*Mildred J. Johnson b. 29 Dec 1900, d. 13 Nov 1989
Virgil J Sinner 1943 senior portrait Baraboo High School, Baraboo, Sauk, Wisconsin
John Virgil Sinner
John Virgil Sinner-Colorized
Name TypeDateDescription
Name VariationJohn Virgil Sinner was also known as Virgil J.
SOCIALSECUJohn Virgil Sinner obtained US Social Security Card at Wisconsin; last residence Baraboo, Sauk, Wisconsin.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth4 August 1924John Virgil Sinner was born on 4 August 1924 at Greenfield, Sauk, Wisconsin.
He was the son of John Emil Sinner and Mildred J. Johnson.
Marriage25 June 1949John Virgil Sinner married Mary Louise Friede, daughter of Arnold William Frederick Friede and Adela Louise Magdalene Meyer, on 25 June 1949 at Lutheran; St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.
Death20 July 2004John Virgil Sinner died on 20 July 2004 at Madison, Dane, Wisconsin, at age 79 John Virgil Sinner, 79 of Baraboo, passed away on Tuesday, July 20 at the University Hospital in Madison.
Virgil, the son of John and Mildred (Johnson) Sinner, was born on Aug. 4, 1924 in the Town of Greenfield. He attended several Sauk County rural schools and graduated from Baraboo High School in 1943. Virgil enlisted in the U.S. Navy and served during World War II from 1943 to 1946. While in the Reserves, he was recalled in February of 1950 and served for 18 months during the Korean War. Virgil was united in marriage to Mary Friede on June 25, 1949 in Baraboo. After his military service, he was employed by Northwest Refrigerator Car Shops and Curtiss Breeding Service. He was then employed by the Sauk County Sheriff's Department for 21 years before retiring in 1986.
Virgil was active in his community and belonged to numerous civic organizations including the Sauk County and Wisconsin Law Enforcement Associations, the American Legion for more than 50 years, Sauk County Voiture 652 (40 et 8) and served as Chef de Gare in 1959, the VFW, and Baraboo Golden Kiwanis. He was also a member of the Baraboo Snowmobile Club for many years and enjoyed his time spent instructing youngsters. Virgil had been a member of St. John's Lutheran Church in Baraboo since 1949. He was an avid gardener and enjoyed sharing the vegetables and gourds produced in his large garden. He also participated in the ceramic business with his wife, Mary. They loved to travel and had visited many places around the world.
Virgil is survived by his wife, Mary Sinner of Baraboo; two children, Kathleen (Richard) Gallus of Beaver Dam and David (Donna) Sinner) of Verona; four granddaughters, Tiffannie and Ashley Gallus and Lauren and Leah Sinner; two sisters, Joyce (John) Litscher of Baraboo and Janice (George) Smith of Orfordville; a brother, Gene (Audrey) Sinner of Baraboo; other relatives and many friends.
He was preceded in death by his parents; and his brother, Duane.
Funeral services will be held at 10:30 a.m. on Saturday, July 24 at St. John's Lutheran Church in Baraboo with Pastor Myron Schwanke officiating. Interment will be in the Fairfield Cemetery where military rites will be accorded. Friends may call on Friday, July 23 from 5 until 8 p.m. at the Redlin Funeral Home, 401 Madison Avenue, in Baraboo; and on Saturday, from 9:30 a.m. until the time of services, at the church. Memorials may be made to St. John's Lutheran Church.
Madison Wisconsin State Journal July 22, 2004 - John Virgil Sinner, 79, obituary
Burialafter 20 July 2004He was buried after 20 July 2004 at Fairfield Cemetery, Sauk, Wisconsin.
Census DateLocationDescription
12 April 1930Greenfield, Sauk, WisconsinJohn Virgil Sinner was listed as a son in John Emil Sinner's household on the 1930 Census at Greenfield, Sauk, Wisconsin.1
Portrait of Mary Louise (Friede) and John Virgil Sinner.
Mary Louise Friede and John Virgil Sinner-Colorized
Mary Louise (Friede) and John Virgil Sinner


  1. [S250] U.S. Federal Census 1930 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED56-15. Dwelling 97.

Catherine Vera Fay

F, b. 23 March 1899, d. 29 April 1993
Father*Matthew D. Fahy b. 31 Jul 1878, d. 9 Nov 1924
Mother*Addie H. Keeger b. Oct 1882, d. 1908
Catherine Vera (Fahy) Friede signature 1944
Name TypeDateDescription
Name VariationCatherine Vera Fay was also known as Fahey.
Name VariationCatherine Vera Fay was also known as Faye.
Name VariationCatherine Vera Fay was also known as Catherine M.
Name VariationCatherine Vera Fay was also known as Fahy.
Name VariationCatherine Vera Fay was also known as Fey.
Name VariationCatherine Vera Fay was also known as Katherine.
Name VariationCatherine Vera Fay was also known as Carrie.
Married Name20 April 1928As of 20 April 1928,her married name was Friede.
SOCIALSECU1944Catherine Vera Fay obtained US Social Security Card at Wisconsin; last residence Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.
Catherine Vera (Fahy) Friede SSN application
Life EventDateDescription
Birth23 March 1899Catherine Vera Fay was born on 23 March 1899 at Illinois.
She was the daughter of Matthew D. Fahy and Addie H. Keeger.
Marriage20 April 1928Catherine Vera Fay married William Henry Friede Jr., son of William Henry Albert Friede and Louise Emille Augusta Schrank, on 20 April 1928 at Chicago, Cook, Illinois, also reported as 19 Apr 1928; William Friede Jr and Catherine Fey (Fay) marriage announcement.
The Reedsburg Times (Reedsburg, Wisconsin) 20 Apr 1928 - William Friede Jr and Catherine Fey (Fay) marriage announcement
Death29 April 1993Catherine Vera Fay died on 29 April 1993 at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin, at age 94.
Burialafter 29 April 1993She was buried after 29 April 1993 at St. Peter's Cemetery, Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.1
Census DateLocationDescription
2 June 1900West Town, Chicago, Cook, IllinoisCatherine Vera Fay was listed as a daughter in Matthew D. Fahy's household on the 1900 Census at West Town, Chicago, Cook, Illinois.2
16 April 1910Chicago Ward 12, Cook, IllinoisCatherine Vera Fay was listed as a niece (actually grand-daughter) in Caroline Schultz's household on the 1910 Census at Chicago Ward 12, Cook, Illinois.3
5 January 1920Chicago Ward 35, Cook, IllinoisCatherine Vera Fay was listed as a granddaughter in Caroline Schultz's household on the 1920 Census at Chicago Ward 35, Cook, Illinois.4
3 April 1930Chicago, Cook, IllinoisCatherine Vera Fay was listed as wife in William Henry Friede Jr.'s household on the 1930 Census at Chicago, Cook, Illinois.5
2 May 1940Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinCatherine Vera Fay was listed as wife in William Henry Friede Jr.'s household on the 1940 Census at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin; Living at 225 N. Dewey Ave. Living next door to Arnold Friede.6
14 April 1950Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinCatherine Vera Fay was listed as wife in William Henry Friede Jr.'s household on the 1950 Census at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.7
1 April 1935Chicago, Cook, IllinoisCatherine Vera Fay lived with William Henry Friede Jr. on 1 April 1935 at Chicago, Cook, Illinois.
1940In 1940 Highest Grade Completed:     College, 1st year.
9 January 1943Catherine Vera Fay witnessed the death of John Orey on 9 January 1943; John Orey obituary.

Children of Catherine Vera Fay and William Henry Friede Jr.


  1. [S214] Wisconsin Sauk Co Cemetery Records Vol 9, Pg 148.
  2. [S245] U.S. Federal Census 1900 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED376. Dwelling 12.
  3. [S244] U.S. Federal Census 1910 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED598. Dwelling 35.
  4. [S243] U.S. Federal Census 1920 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED2263. Dwelling 36.
  5. [S250] U.S. Federal Census 1930 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED16-1283. Dwelling 33.
  6. [S373] U.S. Federal Census 1940 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED56-32a. Dwelling 365. Sheet 15b.
  7. [S423] U.S. Federal Census 1950 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED56-42. Sheet 29.

William E. Friede

M, b. 20 January 1929, d. 20 January 1999
Father*William Henry Friede Jr. b. 4 Mar 1903, d. 3 Jun 1953
Mother*Catherine Vera Fay b. 23 Mar 1899, d. 29 Apr 1993
William Bill Friede - Reedsburg High School Reedsburg Sauk WI 1947-Colorized
Bill Friede - Reedsburg High School, Reedsburg, Sauk, WI 1947
William (Bill) Friede - Reedsburg High School, Reedsburg, Sauk, WI 1947
Name TypeDateDescription
Name VariationWilliam E. Friede was also known as Bill.
Name VariationWilliam E. Friede was also known as William L.
SOCIALSECUWilliam E. Friede obtained US Social Security Card at Wisconsin; last residence Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth20 January 1929William E. Friede was born on 20 January 1929 at Chicago, Cook, Illinois.
He was the son of William Henry Friede Jr. and Catherine Vera Fay.
Death20 January 1999William E. Friede died on 20 January 1999 at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin, at age 70 William E Friede obituary.
Madison Wisconsin State Journal January 22, 1999 - William E Friede obituary
Census DateLocationDescription
3 April 1930Chicago, Cook, IllinoisWilliam E. Friede was listed as a son in William Henry Friede Jr.'s household on the 1930 Census at Chicago, Cook, Illinois.1
2 May 1940Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinWilliam E. Friede was listed as a son in William Henry Friede Jr.'s household on the 1940 Census at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin; Living at 225 N. Dewey Ave. Living next door to Arnold Friede.2
14 April 1950Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinWilliam E. Friede was listed as a son in William Henry Friede Jr.'s household on the 1950 Census at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.3
1 April 1935Chicago, Cook, IllinoisWilliam E. Friede lived with William Henry Friede Jr. on 1 April 1935 at Chicago, Cook, Illinois.
1947Reedsburg High School, Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinWilliam E. Friede graduated in 1947 at Reedsburg High School, Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.


  1. [S250] U.S. Federal Census 1930 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED16-1283. Dwelling 33.
  2. [S373] U.S. Federal Census 1940 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED56-32a. Dwelling 365. Sheet 15b.
  3. [S423] U.S. Federal Census 1950 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED56-42. Sheet 29.

Raymond Emil Friede

M, b. 11 May 1931, d. 14 June 1948
Father*William Henry Friede Jr. b. 4 Mar 1903, d. 3 Jun 1953
Mother*Catherine Vera Fay b. 23 Mar 1899, d. 29 Apr 1993
Ray Friede - Reedsburg High School Reedsburg Sauk WI 1947-Colorized
Ray Friede - Reedsburg High School, Reedsburg, Sauk, WI 1947
Name TypeDateDescription
Name VariationRaymond Emil Friede was also known as Ray.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth11 May 1931Raymond Emil Friede was born on 11 May 1931 at Chicago, Cook, Illinois.
He was the son of William Henry Friede Jr. and Catherine Vera Fay.
Death14 June 1948Raymond Emil Friede died on 14 June 1948 at Drowned at Devils Lake, Baraboo, Sauk, Wisconsin, at age 17 Raymond Friede drowning death.
Madison Wisconsin State Journal June 15, 1948 - Raymond Friede drowning death
The Capital Times (Madison, Wisconsin) 15 Jun 1948 - Death of Raymond Friede, 17, who drowned at Devils Lake
Burialafter 14 June 1948He was buried after 14 June 1948 at St. Peter's Cemetery, Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin, Raymond Friede funeral notice.1
The Capital Times (Madison, Wisconsin) 16 Jun 1948 - Raymond Friede funeral notice
Census DateLocationDescription
2 May 1940Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinRaymond Emil Friede was listed as a son in William Henry Friede Jr.'s household on the 1940 Census at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin; Living at 225 N. Dewey Ave. Living next door to Arnold Friede.2
1 April 1935Chicago, Cook, IllinoisRaymond Emil Friede lived with William Henry Friede Jr. on 1 April 1935 at Chicago, Cook, Illinois.
1947Reedsburg High School, Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinRaymond Emil Friede attended school in 1947 at Reedsburg High School, Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.


  1. [S214] Wisconsin Sauk Co Cemetery Records Vol 9, Pg 148.
  2. [S373] U.S. Federal Census 1940 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED56-32a. Dwelling 365. Sheet 15b.

Otto Fredrick Denny

M, b. 4 December 1902, d. 2 June 1962
Father*Frank Denny b. 7 Jan 1871, d. 15 Dec 1955
Mother*Sophia Teresa Albrecht b. 12 Oct 1883, d. 25 Dec 1950
Otto Denny - circa 1950s-Colorized
Otto Denny - circa 1950s
Life EventDateDescription
Birth4 December 1902Otto Fredrick Denny was born on 4 December 1902 at Empire, Leelanau, Michigan.
He was the son of Frank Denny and Sophia Teresa Albrecht.
Marriage26 June 1926Otto Fredrick Denny married Juanita Elizabeth Dorothy Friede, daughter of William Henry Albert Friede and Louise Emille Augusta Schrank, on 26 June 1926 at Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Death2 June 1962Otto Fredrick Denny died on 2 June 1962 at Maple City, Leelanau, Michigan, at age 59 Otto F. Denny, 59, of Maple City, died unexpectedly early this morning at his residence. Mr. Denny was born December 4, 1902, on a farm near Empire. With the exception of eight years in Milwaukee, where he was employed as a machinist, he lived his entire life in Leelanau county. He was an orchardist, and employee of the Leelanau county road commission, and a member of St. Rita's Catholic church, Maple City. Surviving are his widow, Juanita; a son, Gerald of Davison; three daughters, Donna Lee at home; Mrs. Versel Harriger of Empire, and Mrs. Ned Plowman of Glen Haven; two brothers, Clifford of Traverse City and Minor of Schwartz Creek; three sisters, Mrs. Gene Bishop of Elberta, Mrs. Rudolph Bergsten of Empire, and Mrs. Paul Kraus of Pittsburgh; nine grandchildren, several nieces, nephews, and cousins. A requiem high mass will be sung at St. Rita's Catholic church, Maple City, at 9:00 a.m. Monday with Rev. Fr. Stanislaus Burr as celebrant. Burial will be in St. Philips' Catholic cemetery, Empire. The rosary will be recited at 7:00 p.m. Sunday at the Martinson funeral home, Traverse City, where the body reposes.
Otto F Denny obituary 08 June 1962 Traverse City Record-Eagle (Traverse City, MI)
Burialafter 2 June 1962He was buried after 2 June 1962 at Saint Philip Neri Catholic Church Cemetery, Empire, Leelanau, Michigan.
Census DateLocationDescription
10 May 1910Empire, Leelanau, MichiganOtto Fredrick Denny was listed as a son in Frank Denny's household on the 1910 Census at Empire, Leelanau, Michigan.1
27 January 1920Empire, Leelanau, MichiganOtto Fredrick Denny was listed as a son in Frank Denny's household on the 1920 Census at Empire, Leelanau, Michigan.2
April 1930Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WisconsinOtto Fredrick Denny was listed as the head of a family on the 1930 Census at Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.3
9 April 1940Empire, Leelanau, MichiganHe was listed as the head of a family on the 1940 Census at Empire, Leelanau, Michigan.4
after 3 June 1953St. Peter's Cemetery, Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinOtto Fredrick Denny witnessed the burial of William Henry Friede Jr. after 3 June 1953 at St. Peter's Cemetery, Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.5
13 June 1953Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WisconsinOn 13 June 1953 at Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Mr and Mrs Otto Denny and daughter, Donna, attended the funeral of Mrs. Denny's brother (William Henry Friede) in Milwaukee, last week 13 June 1953.
Mr and Mrs Otto Denny and daughter, Donna, attended the funeral of Mrs. Denny's brother (William Henry Friede) in Milwaukee, last week 13 June 1953 Traverse City Record-Eagle (Traverse City, MI)
Otto and Juanita Friede Denny and kids circa 1950s.
Otto and Juanita Friede Denny and kids - circa 1950s-Colorized
Otto and Juanita Friede Denny and kids - circa 1950s
December 1955Maple City, Leelanau, MichiganOtto Fredrick Denny lived in December 1955 at Maple City, Leelanau, Michigan.

Children of Otto Fredrick Denny and Juanita Elizabeth Dorothy Friede


  1. [S244] U.S. Federal Census 1910 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED23. Dwelling 229.
  2. [S243] U.S. Federal Census 1920 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED49. Dwelling 150.
  3. [S250] U.S. Federal Census 1930 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED40-153. Dwelling 3.
  4. [S373] U.S. Federal Census 1940 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, Year: 1940; Census Place: Empire, Leelanau, Michigan; Roll: T627_1778; Page: 3B; Enumeration District: 45-5.
  5. [S214] Wisconsin Sauk Co Cemetery Records Vol 9, Pg 148.

Gerald Thomas Denny

M, b. 20 September 1935, d. 4 November 2021
Father*Otto Fredrick Denny b. 4 Dec 1902, d. 2 Jun 1962
Mother*Juanita Elizabeth Dorothy Friede b. 2 Jan 1905, d. 9 Aug 1983
Gerald (Jerry) Denny 1953 senior portrait Empire Rural Agricultural School, Maple City, Michigan
Jerry Denny - circa 1950s
Jerry Denny 1953
Gerald (Jerry) Thomas Denny
Name TypeDateDescription
Name VariationGerald Thomas Denny was also known as Jerry.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth20 September 1935Gerald Thomas Denny was born at Empire, Leelanau, Michigan, on 20 September 1935.
He was the son of Otto Fredrick Denny and Juanita Elizabeth Dorothy Friede.
Death4 November 2021Gerald Thomas Denny died on 4 November 2021 at age 86 Gerald "Jerry" Thomas Denny, 86, passed away Nov. 4, 2021.
Throughout his 86 years, Jerry found enjoyment in many things; catching fish, growing vegetables in the garden, hunting in Michigan's great outdoors and making a mean pot of chili. Watching sports was a passion and he had fun hanging out with his buddies at the local barbershop. He loved nature and felt privileged to live in the magnificence of God's country here on earth.
It was a life he shared with his loving wife, Gwen, for the last 36 years. Together their favorite pastimes included watching sunsets, attending Empire United Methodist Church where they were faithful members, volunteering at the Empire Museum, being with friends and family and traveling. He was a collector of many things including tractors and was a member of the Lions Club.
Life began for Jerry on Sept. 20, 1935 in Empire. He attended Empire Agricultural School and went through all grades in the same one room schoolhouse, graduating in 1953. After graduation, he worked at General Telephone Company, later named GTE, for 35 years.
He raised his family with his first wife, Bernita Newman, in Davison, moved to St. Louis, in 1985 and then returned to Empire, to retire, in 1992.
Jerry will forever be remembered. He's dad to Robin, Ric, Tammi and Todd Denny and Tina Quinlan; stepdad to Ellen Wilcox and Tim (Judy) Personious. He will be missed by all those who fondly call him "grandpa", "great grandpa" and "big papa". Jerry also leaves behind his sister, Charlotte Harriger; sisters-and-brothers-in-law; many nieces; nephews; and cousins; as well as neighbors; good friends; and of course his main squeeze and love, Gwen.
Those who went before him and are sure to be rejoicing in his heavenly entrance include his parents, Otto Denny and Juanita Freide; sisters, Jean Plowman and Donna Lee Gilbert; brothers-in-law, Versel Harriger and Ned Plowman; and grandson, Charlie Cowley.
Thank you to the staff at MediLodge in Traverse City for all their care and compassion during Jerry's six month stay.
A funeral service honoring Jerry's life will take place on Friday, Nov. 12, 2021 at 12 p.m. at the Empire United Methodist Church. Visitation will take place one hour prior.
Jerry will be laid to rest at Empire Maple Grove Cemetery, where his final wish was to be buried in a flannel shirt and blue jeans, so please feel free to wear the same.
Census DateLocationDescription
9 April 1940Empire, Leelanau, MichiganGerald Thomas Denny was listed as a son in Otto Fredrick Denny's household on the 1940 Census at Empire, Leelanau, Michigan.1
April 1953In April 1953 Jerry is class president of the senior class of Empire High School.2
13 April 1953On 13 April 1953 Empire high school honor students article including Jerry Denny.
Empire high school honor students incl Jerry Denny 13 Apr 1953 Traverse City Record-Eagle (Traverse City, MI)
Otto and Juanita Friede Denny and kids circa 1950s.


  1. [S373] U.S. Federal Census 1940 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, Year: 1940; Census Place: Empire, Leelanau, Michigan; Roll: T627_1778; Page: 3B; Enumeration District: 45-5.
  2. [S346] Traverse City Record Eagle, 1953 April 13.

Jean Lorraine Denny

F, b. 13 October 1937, d. 26 July 2015
Father*Otto Fredrick Denny b. 4 Dec 1902, d. 2 Jun 1962
Mother*Juanita Elizabeth Dorothy Friede b. 2 Jan 1905, d. 9 Aug 1983
Jean Loraine Plowman-Colorized
Jean Loraine Plowman
Jean Denny - circa 1950s
Name TypeDateDescription
Married Name10 September 1955As of 10 September 1955,her married name was Plowman.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth13 October 1937Jean Lorraine Denny was born at Empire, Leelanau, Michigan, on 13 October 1937.
She was the daughter of Otto Fredrick Denny and Juanita Elizabeth Dorothy Friede.
Marriage10 September 1955Jean Lorraine Denny married Ned A. Plowman, son of Archibald A. Plowman and Manila M. Bumgardner, on 10 September 1955 at St. Phillip Neri (Rectory), Empire, Leelanau, Michigan, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Coppens attended the Ned Plowman-Jean Denny wedding in Glen Arbor Saturday. Mr. Plowman is Mrs. Coppens' nephew. The Coppens were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Manning of Empire.
Jean Denny - Ned Plowman marriage announcement Traverse City Record-Eagle (Traverse City, MI)
Jean Lorraine Denny - Ned A Plowman engagement announcement 16 Aug 1955 Traverse City Record-Eagle (Traverse City, MI)
Death26 July 2015Jean Lorraine Denny died on 26 July 2015 at Empire, Leelanau, Michgican, at age 77 Jean Plowman, 77, lifelong resident of Empire, passed away unexpectedly at her home on July 26, 2015.

Jean was born on Oct. 13, 1937 in Empire, to the late Otto F. and Juanita (Friede) Denny. Jean married Ned Plowman on Sept. 10, 1955 in Empire.

Jean worked for Glen Lake Community Schools for 25-plus years as a teacher’s aide in the elementary school. She also volunteered frequently at the Empire United Methodist Church.

In her spare time she liked to bake, crochet and do word searches. Jean also enjoyed tending to her flower garden.

Jean is survived by her children, Karen (Fred) Noonan, of Maple City, Marlon “Marty” (Katie) Plowman, of Honor, and Evan (Patti) Plowman, of Maple City; grandchildren, Molly and Mike Plowman and Ashley Noonan; and siblings, Charlotte Harriger, of Empire, and Gerald (Gwen) Denny, of Empire.

The funeral service will be held on Friday, July 31, 2015 at 11 a.m., with visitation beginning at 10 a.m., at the Empire United Methodist Church. Graveside services will be held at Rose Hill Cemetery in Maple City following a luncheon.

Memorial contributions in memory of Jean may be directed to the Empire United Methodist Church or a charity of one’s choice.

The family is being cared for by Reynolds Jonkhoff Funeral Home.
Traverse City Record Eagle July 29, 2015 - Jean Denny Plowman obituary
Burialafter 26 July 2015She was buried after 26 July 2015 at Rose Hill Cemetery, Empire, Leelanau, Michigan.
Census DateLocationDescription
9 April 1940Empire, Leelanau, MichiganJean Lorraine Denny was listed as a daughter in Otto Fredrick Denny's household on the 1940 Census at Empire, Leelanau, Michigan.1
Otto and Juanita Friede Denny and kids circa 1950s.
200612205 South Benzonia Trl 677, Empire, Leelanau, MichiganJean Lorraine Denny lived in 2006 at 12205 South Benzonia Trl 677, Empire, Leelanau, Michigan.


  1. [S373] U.S. Federal Census 1940 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, Year: 1940; Census Place: Empire, Leelanau, Michigan; Roll: T627_1778; Page: 3B; Enumeration District: 45-5.

Donna Lee Frances Denny

F, b. 28 May 1944, d. 18 January 1979
Father*Otto Fredrick Denny b. 4 Dec 1902, d. 2 Jun 1962
Mother*Juanita Elizabeth Dorothy Friede b. 2 Jan 1905, d. 9 Aug 1983
Donna Lee Francis Denny 1962 senior portrait Glen Lake High School, Maple City, Michigan
Donnalee Denny - circa 1950s
Donnalee Denny - circa 1950s-Colorized
Name TypeDateDescription
Name VariationDonna Lee Frances Denny was also known as Donnalee.
Married Name28 March 1964As of 28 March 1964,her married name was Gilbert.
SOCIALSECUDonna Lee Frances Denny obtained US Social Security Card at Michigan; last residence Empire, Leelanau, Michigan; last benefit Beulah, Benzie, Michigan.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth28 May 1944Donna Lee Frances Denny was born at Empire, Leelanau, Michigan, on 28 May 1944.
She was the daughter of Otto Fredrick Denny and Juanita Elizabeth Dorothy Friede.
Death18 January 1979Donna Lee Frances Denny died on 18 January 1979 at age 34.
Otto and Juanita Friede Denny and kids circa 1950s.

Mary Elizabeth Seymour

F, b. 8 June 1904, d. 23 June 1997
Father*Merton Eugene Seymour b. 1 Dec 1858, d. 9 Nov 1944
Mother*Blanche Alma Jeffries b. 14 Jan 1877, d. 8 Jan 1953
Mary Seymour 1928-Colorized
Mary Seymour 1928
Mary (Seymour) Friede 1985
Mary (Seymour) Friede 1958
Mary Seymour 1922 senior portrait Reedsburg High School, Reedsburg, Sauk, WI
Name TypeDateDescription
Married Name4 April 1937As of 4 April 1937,her married name was Friede.
SOCIALSECUMary Elizabeth Seymour obtained US Social Security Card at Wisconsin; last residence Waukesha, Waukesha, Wisconsin.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth8 June 1904Mary Elizabeth Seymour was born on 8 June 1904 at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.
She was the daughter of Merton Eugene Seymour and Blanche Alma Jeffries.
Marriage4 April 1937Mary Elizabeth Seymour married Frederick Henry William Friede, son of William Henry Albert Friede and Louise Emille Augusta Schrank, on 4 April 1937 at Methodist Church, Baraboo, Sauk, Wisconsin.
Death23 June 1997Mary Elizabeth Seymour died on 23 June 1997 at Lake Mills, Wisconsin, at age 93 Mary Seymour Friede obituary.
Madison Wisconsin State Journal June 24, 1997 - Mary Seymour Friede obituary
Burialafter 23 June 1997She was buried after 23 June 1997 at St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.1
Census DateLocationDescription
30 April 1910Dellona, Sauk, WisconsinMary Elizabeth Seymour was listed as a daughter in Merton Eugene Seymour's household on the 1910 Census at Dellona, Sauk, Wisconsin.2
19 January 1920Dellona, Sauk, WisconsinMary Elizabeth Seymour was listed as a daughter in Merton Eugene Seymour's household on the 1920 Census at Dellona, Sauk, Wisconsin.3
16 April 1930Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinMary Elizabeth Seymour was listed as a daughter in Blanche Alma Jeffries's household on the 1930 Census at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.4
2 May 1940Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinMary Elizabeth Seymour was listed as wife in Frederick Henry William Friede's household on the 1940 Census at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.5
Mary was a second grade teacher at the Horace Mann Elementary School in Sheboygan, Wisconsin for 9 1/2 years. She then taught at Lake Mills Prospect Elementary School for 10 years, from 1959-69, until she retired. Mary enjoys oil painting and china painting. She has paintings hanging in the Prospect Elementary School and in the Fargo Public Library, Lak Mills, Wisconsin. There is also one hanging in the Student Union Building at Whitewater, University of Wisconsin.6
Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinAt Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin, article "Reedsburg's First Hospital" written by Ruth Seymour Burmester which mentions sister Mary Seymour, and sister-in-law Alice Burmester.7
Reedsburg Remembers - Reedsburg's First Hospital written by Ruth Seymour Burmester - page 68
1922Reedsburg High School, Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinMary Elizabeth Seymour graduated in 1922 at Reedsburg High School, Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.
1928Whitewater State Teachers College, Whitewater, Walworth, WisconsinShe graduated in 1928 at Whitewater State Teachers College, Whitewater, Walworth, Wisconsin.
Mary Seymour 1928 senior portrait Whitewater State Teachers College, Whitewater, Walworth, WI
24 May 1952On 24 May 1952 Oil paiting titled "A New Blanket of Snow" by Mrs. Fred Friede, Reedsburg.
Oil paiting titled "A New Blanket of Snow" by Mrs. Fred Friede, Reedsburg - 24 May 1952
March 1958Mauston, WisconsinIn March 1958 at Mauston, Wisconsin, Mrs Mary Friede and son Edward are art fair winners.
Madison Wisconsin State Journal March 23, 1958 - Mrs Mary Friede and son Edward are art fair winners
December 1985Lake Mills, WisconsinIn December 1985 at Lake Mills, Wisconsin, article on Mary (Seymour) Friede, former art teacher.
Janesville Gazette December 30, 1985 - article of Mary (Seymour) Friede, former art teacher

Child of Mary Elizabeth Seymour and Frederick Henry William Friede


  1. [S214] Wisconsin Sauk Co Cemetery Records Vol 9, Pg 155.
  2. [S244] U.S. Federal Census 1910 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED111. Dwelling 121.
  3. [S243] U.S. Federal Census 1920 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED161. Stamp 15. Dwelling 115.
  4. [S250] U.S. Federal Census 1930 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED56-30. Dwelling 268.
  5. [S373] U.S. Federal Census 1940 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ear: 1940; Census Place: Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin; Roll: T627_4523; Page: 1B; Enumeration District: 56-31B.
  6. [S3] Jeanette (Felske) Mrs. Edward Schrank, William C. Schuette, Lorna (Klitzke) Mrs. Maurice Slaney, Sue (Parkhurst) Mrs. Roger "Jake" Steinhoust Your Heritage Committee. Marcella (Parkhurst) Mrs. Jerome Meurer, Schrank Family Heritage.
  7. [S215] Sesquicentennial History Committee, Reedsburg Remembers 150 Years, Pages 68-69.

Merton Eugene Seymour

M, b. 1 December 1858, d. 9 November 1944
Father*Silas James Seymour b. 21 Feb 1824, d. 25 Apr 1899
Mother*Mary Ann Conine b. 9 Aug 1827, d. 17 Apr 1909
Merton E Seymour - 19 Aug 1943
Name TypeDateDescription
Name VariationMerton Eugene Seymour was also known as M. E.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth1 December 1858Merton Eugene Seymour was born on 1 December 1858 at Wisconsin.
He was the son of Silas James Seymour and Mary Ann Conine.
Marriage23 March 1898Merton Eugene Seymour married Blanche Alma Jeffries, daughter of Wilbur Jeffries and Nellie Eudora Huntington, on 23 March 1898.
Death9 November 1944Merton Eugene Seymour died on 9 November 1944 at age 85.
Burialafter 9 November 1944He was buried after 9 November 1944 at Greenwood Cemetery, Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.1
Census DateLocationDescription
31 July 1860Winfield and Dellona, Sauk, WisconsinMerton Eugene Seymour was listed in Silas James Seymour's household on the 1860 Census at Winfield and Dellona, Sauk, Wisconsin; also includes E. Seymour, age 20 born in New York.2
5 July 1870Dellona, Sauk, WisconsinMerton Eugene Seymour was listed in Silas James Seymour's household on the 1870 Census at Dellona, Sauk, Wisconsin.3
1880Dellona, Sauk, WisconsinMerton Eugene Seymour was listed as a son in Silas James Seymour's household on the 1880 Census at Dellona, Sauk, Wisconsin.4
1 June 1900Dellona, Sauk, WisconsinMerton Eugene Seymour was listed as the head of a family on the 1900 Census at Dellona, Sauk, Wisconsin.5
30 April 1910Dellona, Sauk, WisconsinHe was listed as the head of a family on the 1910 Census at Dellona, Sauk, Wisconsin.6
19 January 1920Dellona, Sauk, WisconsinHe was listed as the head of a family on the 1920 Census at Dellona, Sauk, Wisconsin.7
2 April 1930Dellona, Sauk, WisconsinHe was listed as the head of a family on the 1930 Census at Dellona, Sauk, Wisconsin.8
Biography of Merton Eugene SEYMOUR (p 576) - son of Silas James SEYMOUR Merton Eugene SEYMOUR, a practical and progressive farmer of Dellona Township, Sauk County, is a native of WI, his birth having occurred upon his present farm, 01 Dec 1858. He is a son of Hon. Silas James SEYMOUR. After leaving the district school, Merton Eugene SEYMOUR attended the Reedsburg [Sauk County, WI] high school, from which he was graduated in 1881, and a few years later he took a short agricultural course at the Wisconsin University, being a member of the first class to pursue that course. He afterward spent some months in CA, and five years previous was for a time with his brother, Walter F. SEYMOUR, at the Jackson Sanitarium in Dansville [Livingston County], NY. In 1887 Mr. SEYMOUR took charge of the homestead farm, which he purchased five years later, and which he has since successfully conducted. By his education and previous training he was well fitted for the occupation, and prosperity has crowned his well-directly efforts. He devotes the greater part of his time and attention to stock raising and dairy business, and makes a specialty of high-grade short horn cattle and Poland China hogs. His farm consists of 205 acres with first-class improvements and conveniences. He has become a prominent and influential member of the farmers' institutes and similar societies. He is also interested in horticulture and has often been an exhibitor at the Sauk County Fair, where he has won many premiums. On 23 Mar 1898 Mr. SEYMOUR married Miss Blanche JEFFRIES, of Baraboo [Sauk County, WI] who was born in Kilbourn City [Columbia County], WI, and is a daughter of William and Nellie JEFFRIES. For a number of years he has been an elder in the Presbyterian church of Reedsburg [Sauk County, WI], of which he is an active and prominent member. In politics he has been a lifelong Republican, and has frequently served as delegate to the county conventions, and was the census enumerator for Dellona Township [Sauk County, WI] in 1890.
Merton Eugene Seymour biography - Memorial and biographical record and illustrated compendium of biography incl Sauk county, WI - page 576
1881Reedsburg High School, Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinMerton Eugene Seymour graduated in 1881 at Reedsburg High School, Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.
1901In 1901 Merton Eugene Seymour, a practical and progressive farmer of Dellona Township, Sauk County, who is meeting with marked success, in the prosecution of his chosen calling, is proud to claim Wisconsin as his native state, his birth having occurred upon his present farm, Decmeber 1, 1858. He is a son of Hon. S.J. Seymour, of whom extended notice appears elswhere in this volume. After leaving the district school, our subject attended the Reedsburg High School, from which he was graduated in 1881, and a few years later he took a short agricultural course at the Wisconsin University, being a member of the first class to pursue that course. He afterward spent some months in California and five years previous was for a time with his brother, Walter F. Seymour, at the Jackson Sanitarium in Dansville, New York. In 1887 Mr. Seymour took charge of the homestead farm, which he purchased five years later and which he has since sucessfully conducted. By his education and previous training he was well fitted for the occupation he has chosen as a life work and prosperity has crowned his well-direct efforts. He devotes the greater part of his time and attention to the live stock and dairy business and makes a specialty of the raising of high-grade short horn cattle and Poland China hogs. His farm consists of two hundred and five acres with first class improvements and conveniences, and as a progressive and enterprising agriculturist he takes an active interest in promoting improvements in the agricultural methods of that county, and had become a prominent and influential member of the farmers institutes and similar societies. He is also interested in horticulture and has often been an exhibitor at the Saulk County fair, where he has won many premiums. On the 23rd of March 1898, Mr. Seymour married Miss Blanche Jeffries, of Baraboo, who was born in Kilbourn City, Wisconsin and is the daughter of William and Nellie Jeffries. For a number of years he has been a elder in the Presbyterian Church of Reedsburg, of which he is an active and prominent member. In politics he has been a lifelong Republican, has frequently served as delegate to the county conventions and took the census of Dellona in 1890.
Merton Eugene Seymour profile in Compendium of biography of Columbia, Sauk and Adams counties, Wisconsin 1901
19 August 1943Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinOn 19 August 1943 at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin, Photo in front of Frank Darrenougue Jeweler from left to right: Arthur Seymour, maybe A Stone?, H L Maxham, Ralph P Perry, Merton E Seymour, Frank Darrenougue.
Photo in front of Frank Darrenougue Jeweler - Arthur Seymour, maybe A Stone, H L Maxham, Ralph P Perry, Merton E Seymour, Frank Darrenougue - 19 Aug 1943 - Reedsburg, Sauk, WI

Children of Merton Eugene Seymour and Blanche Alma Jeffries


  1. [S214] Wisconsin Sauk Co Cemetery Records Vol 9, page 73.
  2. [S248] U.S. Federal Census 1860 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, Page 125. Dwelling 1034.
  3. [S247] U.S. Federal Census 1870 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, Page 11. Dwelling 77.
  4. [S246] U.S. Federal Census 1880 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, NA Film Number T9-1446. Sheet 63B.
  5. [S245] U.S. Federal Census 1900 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED130. Dwelling 158.
  6. [S244] U.S. Federal Census 1910 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED111. Dwelling 121.
  7. [S243] U.S. Federal Census 1920 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED161. Stamp 15. Dwelling 115.
  8. [S250] U.S. Federal Census 1930 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED56-9. Dwelling 10.

Blanche Alma Jeffries

F, b. 14 January 1877, d. 8 January 1953
Father*Wilbur Jeffries b. c 1850
Mother*Nellie Eudora Huntington b. 4 Jul 1855
Name TypeDateDescription
Married Name23 March 1898As of 23 March 1898,her married name was Seymour.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth14 January 1877Blanche Alma Jeffries was born on 14 January 1877 at Kilbourn City, Columbia, Wisconsin.
She was the daughter of Wilbur Jeffries and Nellie Eudora Huntington.
Marriage23 March 1898Blanche Alma Jeffries married Merton Eugene Seymour, son of Silas James Seymour and Mary Ann Conine, on 23 March 1898.
Death8 January 1953Blanche Alma Jeffries died on 8 January 1953 at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin, at age 75 Blanche (Jeffries) Seymour obituary.
Madison Wisconsin State Journal January 9, 1953 - Blanche (Jeffries) Seymour obituary
Burialafter 8 January 1953She was buried after 8 January 1953 at Greenwood Cemetery, Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.1
Census DateLocationDescription
1880Greenfield, Sauk, WisconsinBlanche Alma Jeffries was listed as a daughter in Wilbur Jeffries's household on the 1880 Census at Greenfield, Sauk, Wisconsin.2
1 June 1900Dellona, Sauk, WisconsinBlanche Alma Jeffries was listed as wife in Merton Eugene Seymour's household on the 1900 Census at Dellona, Sauk, Wisconsin.3
30 April 1910Dellona, Sauk, WisconsinBlanche Alma Jeffries was listed as wife in Merton Eugene Seymour's household on the 1910 Census at Dellona, Sauk, Wisconsin.4
19 January 1920Dellona, Sauk, WisconsinBlanche Alma Jeffries was listed as wife in Merton Eugene Seymour's household on the 1920 Census at Dellona, Sauk, Wisconsin.5
16 April 1930Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinBlanche Alma Jeffries was listed as the head of a family on the 1930 Census at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.6
1910Blanche Alma Jeffries had 5 with 5 living in 1910 children.

Children of Blanche Alma Jeffries and Merton Eugene Seymour


  1. [S214] Wisconsin Sauk Co Cemetery Records Vol 9, page 73.
  2. [S246] U.S. Federal Census 1880 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, NA Film Number T9-1446 Page Number 126C.
  3. [S245] U.S. Federal Census 1900 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED130. Dwelling 158.
  4. [S244] U.S. Federal Census 1910 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED111. Dwelling 121.
  5. [S243] U.S. Federal Census 1920 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED161. Stamp 15. Dwelling 115.
  6. [S250] U.S. Federal Census 1930 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED56-30. Dwelling 268.

Edward James Friede

M, b. 17 September 1941, d. 31 March 2018
Father*Frederick Henry William Friede b. 15 Feb 1907, d. 20 Jun 1956
Mother*Mary Elizabeth Seymour b. 8 Jun 1904, d. 23 Jun 1997
Edward Friede 1959 senior portrait Webb High School Reedsburg Sauk WI-Colorized
Edward Friede 1959 senior portrait Webb High School, Reedsburg, Sauk, WI
Edward Friede 1958
Edward James Friede
Name TypeDateDescription
NicknameEdward James Friede also went by the name of Ed.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth17 September 1941Edward James Friede was born at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin, on 17 September 1941.
He was the son of Frederick Henry William Friede and Mary Elizabeth Seymour.
Marriage25 July 1964Edward James Friede married Elizabeth Louise Doyle, daughter of Austin Leroy Doyle and Mary Burgess, on 25 July 1964 at Lutheran Church, Madison, Dane, Wisconsin, Elizabeth Doyle and Edward Friede engagement announcement.
Madison Wisconsin State Journal June 14, 1964 - Elizabeth Doyle and Edward Friede engagement announcement
Death31 March 2018Edward James Friede died on 31 March 2018 at age 76 Edward James Friede, of Waukesha, formerly of Reedsburg, 76, passed away Saturday, March 31, 2018, at Angels Grace Hospice in Oconomowoc.
Ed was born September 17, 1941 in Reedsburg to the late Fred and Mary (Seymour) Friede. He attended the University of WI Madison. On July 25, 1964 he married Elizabeth Doyle in Madison, WI. He was employed by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation for over forty years as a civil engineer.
He was an avid Green Bay Packer and UW Badger fan. He enjoyed hunting and spending time with his family. He really treasured being a grandpa.
Ed was currently a member of Christ of Life Lutheran Church in Waukesha.
In addition to his wife Elizabeth he is survived by his daughters;
Wendy (Paul) Conlin of Eau Claire,
Vicki (John) Franson of Eau Claire,
Cindy Friede of Waukesha.
His grandchildren; Gabby, Nicole, Cade, Ryan and Ashlynn.
Funeral services for Ed will be held Friday, April 6, 2018, at 11:30 am, at St. Peter Lutheran Church in Reedsburg. The Reverend Paul Crolius, Pastor, will officiate. A time of visitation will also be on Friday, at the church from 9:30 am until the time of service. Burial will follow services at St. Peter Cemetery in Reedsburg.
A memorial fund has been established in his name.
Farber Funeral Home is assisting the family with arrangements.
Wisconsin State Journal (Madison, Wisconsin) 04 Apr 2018 - Edward James Friede obituary
Burialafter 31 March 2018He was buried after 31 March 2018 at Saint Peters Evangelical Lutheran Cemetery, Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.
Edward is the District Traffic Engineer for the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, Eau Claire District.1
March 1958Mauston, WisconsinIn March 1958 at Mauston, Wisconsin, Mrs Mary Friede and son Edward are art fair winners.
Madison Wisconsin State Journal March 23, 1958 - Mrs Mary Friede and son Edward are art fair winners
1985Eau Claire, WisconsinEdward James Friede and Elizabeth Louise Doyle lived in 1985 at Eau Claire, Wisconsin.
2006S41w27192 Oak Grove Ln, Waukesha, Waukesha, WisconsinEdward James Friede lived in 2006 at S41w27192 Oak Grove Ln, Waukesha, Waukesha, Wisconsin.


  1. [S3] Jeanette (Felske) Mrs. Edward Schrank, William C. Schuette, Lorna (Klitzke) Mrs. Maurice Slaney, Sue (Parkhurst) Mrs. Roger "Jake" Steinhoust Your Heritage Committee. Marcella (Parkhurst) Mrs. Jerome Meurer, Schrank Family Heritage.

Elizabeth Louise Doyle

F, b. 16 July 1943, d. 26 January 2023
Father*Austin Leroy Doyle b. 2 Nov 1904, d. 31 Aug 1945
Mother*Mary Burgess b. 1904, d. 23 Jan 1985
Elizabeth (Doyle) Friede
Elizabeth Doyle 1964
Name TypeDateDescription
Name VariationElizabeth Louise Doyle was also known as Betty.
Married Name25 July 1964As of 25 July 1964,her married name was Friede.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth16 July 1943Elizabeth Louise Doyle was born on 16 July 1943 at Shullsburg, Lafayette, Wisconsin.
She was the daughter of Austin Leroy Doyle and Mary Burgess.
Marriage25 July 1964Elizabeth Louise Doyle married Edward James Friede, son of Frederick Henry William Friede and Mary Elizabeth Seymour, on 25 July 1964 at Lutheran Church, Madison, Dane, Wisconsin, Elizabeth Doyle and Edward Friede engagement announcement.
Madison Wisconsin State Journal June 14, 1964 - Elizabeth Doyle and Edward Friede engagement announcement
Death26 January 2023Elizabeth Louise Doyle died on 26 January 2023 at Wisconsin at age 79 Elizabeth L. Friede, of Waukesha, died on Thursday, January 26, 2023 surrounded by her family at the age of 79. She was born in Shullsburg, WI on July 16, 1943, the daughter of Austin and Mary (nee Burgess) Doyle. On July 25, 1964 she married Edward J. Friede in Madison. She was a member of Christ the Life Church.
She will be sadly missed by her children Wendy (Paul) Conlin of Eau Claire, Vicki (John) Franson of Eau Claire and Cindy (Bobby Hathaway) Friede of Waukesha. Dear grandmother of Gabriella, Nicole, Cade, Ryan and Ashlynn. She is further survived by her sisters Lois Symons of Janesville and Rosemary Howald of Forreston, IL, other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by her husband Edward Friede on March 31, 2018 and her sisters Nancy Lunde and Joyce Walters.
Visitation will be held on Saturday, February 4, 2023 from 11:00 a.m. until the 1:00 p.m. funeral service at Randle-Dable-Brisk Funeral Home, 1110 S. Grand Ave. in Waukesha. Burial of cremated remains will take place at a later date at Greenwood Cemetery in Reedsburg, WI.
1985Eau Claire, WisconsinElizabeth Louise Doyle and Edward James Friede lived in 1985 at Eau Claire, Wisconsin.

Macy James Lockhart

M, b. 9 May 1911, d. 21 November 1982
Father*Macy Hemphill Lockhart b. 3 Jun 1891, d. 4 Aug 1939
Mother*Pearl Abigail Waite b. 13 Apr 1890, d. 15 Jan 1960
Macy James Lockhart-Colorized
Macy James Lockhart
Name TypeDateDescription
Name VariationMacy James Lockhart was also known as Macey.
SOCIALSECUMacy James Lockhart obtained US Social Security Card at Iowa; last residence Sterling, Whiteside, Illinois.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth9 May 1911Macy James Lockhart was born on 9 May 1911 at Fulton, Whiteside, Illinois.
He was the son of Macy Hemphill Lockhart and Pearl Abigail Waite.
Marriage5 December 1931Macy James Lockhart married Frieda Marie Friede, daughter of William Henry Albert Friede and Louise Emille Augusta Schrank, on 5 December 1931 at Lutheran Church, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Death21 November 1982Macy James Lockhart died on 21 November 1982 at Sterling, Whiteside, Illinois, at age 71 MACY J. LOCKHART, 71, 1004 E. W. LaFevre, Sterling, died Sunday morning at Community General Hospital. Funeral services will be held at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday at the Behrens-Blair Funeral Home, with the Rev. Mark Vledsoe, pastor of the Morrison Christian Church, officiating. Burial will be in Oak Knoll Memorial Park. Visitation will be from 3 -5 and 7-9 p.m. on Tuesday at the funeral home, with Masonic Services being held at 8 p.m. Born on May 9, 1911 in Fulton, the son of Macy and Pearl Waite Lockhart, he was an employee of Northwestern Steel and Wire Company for 27 years, retiring in 1973 at which time he became an instructor at Whiteside Area Vocational Center. He was married on Dec. 5, 1931 to Frieda M. Friede in Milwaukee, Wis., and was a member of the Rock River Masonic Lodge 612, Freeport Scottish Rites Body, the Telba Temple in Rockford and the Community Church of Christ, Rock Falls. Surviving are his wife, Frieda; two sons, Robert, Euclid, Ohio and David, Sterling; one daughter, Mrs. Dr. Ivan (Joan) Shapiro, Geneva; seven grandchildren; and two brothers, George, Sun City, Ariz., and Dwight, Clinton, Ia. He was preceded in death by his parents and one brother, Robert. A memorial has been established in his name to the Community Church of Christ. - The Daily Gazette, Sterling-Rock Falls, Illinois November 22, 1982.
Burialafter 21 November 1982He was buried after 21 November 1982 at Oak Knoll Memorial Park Cemetery, Sterling, Whiteside, Illinois.
Census DateLocationDescription
5 January 1920Fulton, Whiteside, IllinoisMacy James Lockhart was listed as a son in Macy Hemphill Lockhart's household on the 1920 Census at Fulton, Whiteside, Illinois.1
11 April 1930Fulton, Whiteside, IllinoisMacy James Lockhart was listed as a son in Macy Hemphill Lockhart's household on the 1930 Census at Fulton, Whiteside, Illinois; living at 562 10th Avenue.2
2 April 1940Fulton, Whiteside, IllinoisMacy James Lockhart was listed as the head of a family on the 1940 Census at Fulton, Whiteside, Illinois.3
17 April 1950Sterling, Whiteside, IllinoisHe was listed as the head of a family on the 1950 Census at Sterling, Whiteside, Illinois.4
Portrait of Macy James and Frieda Marie (Friede) Lockhart.
Macy James and Frieda Marie (Friede) Lockhart
Macy James and Frieda Marie (Friede) Lockhart
Macy was an Electrical Engineer for Northwestern Wire & Steel in Sterling, Ill. for 27 years. Before that he was a self-employed farmer.5
August 1929Whiteside, IllinoisIn August 1929 at Whiteside, Illinois, attended Waite family reunion.
1940In 1940 Highest Grade Completed:     College, 4th year.
August 1941Whiteside, IllinoisIn August 1941 at Whiteside, Illinois, attended Waite family reunion.
1950Macy James Lockhart was a electrician in 1950.
September 1951Whiteside, IllinoisIn September 1951 at Whiteside, Illinois, Macy and Frieda Lockhart assessment of property: $1,400.
Sterling Daily Gazette September 1, 1951 - Macy and Frieda Lockhart assessment of property
July 1958Whiteside, IllinoisIn July 1958 at Whiteside, Illinois, attended Waite family reunion.
September 1966Whiteside, IllinoisIn September 1966 at Whiteside, Illinois, attended Waite family reunion.

Children of Macy James Lockhart and Frieda Marie Friede


  1. [S243] U.S. Federal Census 1920 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED155. Page 3A. Dwelling 62.
  2. [S250] U.S. Federal Census 1930 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED89-10. Dwelling 239.
  3. [S373] U.S. Federal Census 1940 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ar: 1940; Census Place: Fulton, Whiteside, Illinois; Roll: T627_905; Page: 1A; Enumeration District: 98-14.
  4. [S423] U.S. Federal Census 1950 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, National Archives at Washington, DC; Washington, D.C.; Seventeenth Census of the United States, 1950; Year: 1950; Census Place: Sterling, Whiteside, Illinois; Roll: 4171; Page: 76; Enumeration District: 98-49.
  5. [S3] Jeanette (Felske) Mrs. Edward Schrank, William C. Schuette, Lorna (Klitzke) Mrs. Maurice Slaney, Sue (Parkhurst) Mrs. Roger "Jake" Steinhoust Your Heritage Committee. Marcella (Parkhurst) Mrs. Jerome Meurer, Schrank Family Heritage.

David Henry Lockhart

M, b. 25 May 1940, d. 4 May 1983
Father*Macy James Lockhart b. 9 May 1911, d. 21 Nov 1982
Mother*Frieda Marie Friede b. 15 Feb 1907, d. 3 Nov 1992
David Lockhart 1961
SOCIALSECUDavid Henry Lockhart obtained US Social Security Card at Illinois; last residence not specified.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth25 May 1940David Henry Lockhart was born at Fulton, Whiteside, Illinois, on 25 May 1940.
He was the son of Macy James Lockhart and Frieda Marie Friede.
Marriage15 June 1961David Henry Lockhart married Wilma Feather, daughter of Paul Feather, on 15 June 1961 at Sterling, Whiteside, Illinois, Wilma Feather and David Lockhart marriage announcement.
Sterling Daily Gazette June 17, 1961 - Wilma Feather and David Lockhart marriage announcement
Death4 May 1983David Henry Lockhart died on 4 May 1983 at age 42.
Burialafter 4 May 1983He was buried after 4 May 1983 at Oak Knoll Memorial Park Cemetery, Sterling, Whiteside, Illinois.
Census DateLocationDescription
17 April 1950Sterling, Whiteside, IllinoisDavid Henry Lockhart was listed as a son in Macy James Lockhart's household on the 1950 Census at Sterling, Whiteside, Illinois.1


  1. [S423] U.S. Federal Census 1950 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, National Archives at Washington, DC; Washington, D.C.; Seventeenth Census of the United States, 1950; Year: 1950; Census Place: Sterling, Whiteside, Illinois; Roll: 4171; Page: 76; Enumeration District: 98-49.

Joan Isabelle Lockhart

F, b. 26 August 1943, d. 1 January 2022
Father*Macy James Lockhart b. 9 May 1911, d. 21 Nov 1982
Mother*Frieda Marie Friede b. 15 Feb 1907, d. 3 Nov 1992
Joan Isabelle (Lockhart) Shapiro
Joan Isabelle Lockhart 1964
Joan Lockhart nursing photo 1964
Name TypeDateDescription
Name VariationJoan Isabelle Lockhart was also known as Joan D.
Married Name1964As of 1964,her married name was Staffeldt.
Married Name28 December 1968As of 28 December 1968,her married name was Shapiro.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth26 August 1943Joan Isabelle Lockhart was born at Fulton, Whiteside, Illinois, on 26 August 1943.
She was the daughter of Macy James Lockhart and Frieda Marie Friede.
Death1 January 2022Joan Isabelle Lockhart died on 1 January 2022 at age 78 Joan I. Shapiro, RN, 78, wife of Dr. Ivan L. Shapiro, passed away Saturday, January 1, 2022, at a Presque Isle healthcare facility, following a brief illness. She was born August 26, 1943, in Fulton, IL, the daughter of Macy James and Frieda (Friede) Lockhart.
Joan was a graduated of the Sterling, IL, school system, class of 1961, and went on to further her education at Peoria Methodist Nursing School, where she graduated in 1964, as a registered nurse. She was married to Dr. Ivan L. Shapiro on December 28, 1968, whom she had met in the operating room at the University of Chicago. Joan was a dedicated registered nurse for thirty years and was a loving wife, mother, Nana, and most recently a great-grandmother. Her family will miss her very much.
In addition to her parents, Joan was predeceased by her son, Michael D. Shapiro on January 25, 2011; and one brother, David Lockhart. Joan is survived by her husband of fifty-three years, Dr. Ivan L. Shapiro; one daughter, Audrey E. Shapiro, both of Fort Fairfield; one brother, Bob Lockhart of Ohio; two grandchildren, Kyle A. McCullough and his companion, Brittany Page, of Presque Isle and Karter M. O'Clair of Fort Fairfield; one great-grandson, Harrison D. McCullough of Presque Isle; and several nieces and nephews.
The Shapiro family wishes to extend their sincere gratitude to the doctors and staff of AR Gould Hospital, Presque Isle, for the compassionate and exceptional care given to Joan and her family during her recent hospital stay.
Friends may call Friday, January 7, 2022, from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Giberson-Dorsey Funeral Home and Cremation Service, 144 Main Street, Fort Fairfield.
Census DateLocationDescription
17 April 1950Sterling, Whiteside, IllinoisJoan Isabelle Lockhart was listed as a daughter in Macy James Lockhart's household on the 1950 Census at Sterling, Whiteside, Illinois.1
July 1958Whiteside, IllinoisIn July 1958 at Whiteside, Illinois, attended Waite family reunion.
15 June 1961Sterling, Whiteside, IllinoisJoan Isabelle Lockhart witnessed the marriage of Wilma Feather and David Henry Lockhart on 15 June 1961 at Sterling, Whiteside, Illinois; Wilma Feather and David Lockhart marriage announcement.
24 May 1964Peoria, IllinoisOn 24 May 1964 at Peoria, Illinois, Joan Lockhart receives nursing diploma.
Sterling Daily Gazette June 4, 1964 - Joan Lockhart receives nursing diploma

Child of Joan Isabelle Lockhart


  1. [S423] U.S. Federal Census 1950 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, National Archives at Washington, DC; Washington, D.C.; Seventeenth Census of the United States, 1950; Year: 1950; Census Place: Sterling, Whiteside, Illinois; Roll: 4171; Page: 76; Enumeration District: 98-49.

Chancey Henry Mylrea

M, b. 23 October 1905, d. 30 March 1982
Father*Harrison Duncan Mylrea b. Oct 1864, d. 1958
Mother*Emma Hoefs b. 1869, d. 9 Nov 1941
Chauncey Henry Mylrea
Name TypeDateDescription
Name VariationChancey Henry Mylrea was also known as Chauncey.
SOCIALSECUChancey Henry Mylrea obtained US Social Security Card at Wisconsin; last residence Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth23 October 1905Chancey Henry Mylrea was born at Wisconsin on 23 October 1905.
He was the son of Harrison Duncan Mylrea and Emma Hoefs.
Marriage24 September 1927Chancey Henry Mylrea married Louise Martha Friede, daughter of William Henry Albert Friede and Louise Emille Augusta Schrank, on 24 September 1927 at Evangelical Lutheran Church, Portage, Columbia, Wisconsin, Louise Friede and Chancey Melray (Mylrea) marriage announcement.
The Reedsburg Times (Reedsburg, Wisconsin) 30 Sep 1927 - Louise Friede and Chancey Melray (Mylrea) marriage announcement
Death30 March 1982Chancey Henry Mylrea died on 30 March 1982 at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin, at age 76 Chancey Mylrea obituary.
Madison Wisconsin State Journal April 1, 1982 - Chancey Mylrea obituary
Burialafter 30 March 1982He was buried after 30 March 1982 at St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.1
Census DateLocationDescription
3 May 1910New Haven, Adams, WisconsinChancey Henry Mylrea was listed as a son in Harrison Duncan Mylrea's household on the 1910 Census at New Haven, Adams, Wisconsin.2
12 April 1920New Haven, Adams, WisconsinChancey Henry Mylrea was listed as a son in Harrison Duncan Mylrea's household on the 1920 Census at New Haven, Adams, Wisconsin.3
3 April 1930New Haven, Adams, WisconsinChancey Henry Mylrea was listed as the head of a family on the 1930 Census at New Haven, Adams, Wisconsin, living next door to Lester Mylrea.4
12 April 1940Winfield, Sauk, WisconsinHe was listed as the head of a family on the 1940 Census at Winfield, Sauk, Wisconsin.5
10 April 1950Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinHe was listed as the head of a family on the 1950 Census at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.6
Photo of Chauncey Henry and Louise Martha (Friede) Mylrea.
Chauncey Henry and Louise Martha (Friede) Mylrea

Children of Chancey Henry Mylrea and Louise Martha Friede


  1. [S214] Wisconsin Sauk Co Cemetery Records Vol 9, Pg 160.
  2. [S244] U.S. Federal Census 1910 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED4. Dwelling 64.
  3. [S243] U.S. Federal Census 1920 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED214. Dwelling 17.
  4. [S250] U.S. Federal Census 1930 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED1-13. Dwelling 8.
  5. [S373] U.S. Federal Census 1940 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ar: 1940; Census Place: Winfield, Sauk, Wisconsin; Roll: T627_4523; Page: 1B; Enumeration District: 56-42.
  6. [S423] U.S. Federal Census 1950 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED56-42. Sheet 15.

Walter Arnold Mylrea

M, b. 14 March 1931, d. 5 December 1996
Father*Chancey Henry Mylrea b. 23 Oct 1905, d. 30 Mar 1982
Mother*Louise Martha Friede b. 19 Feb 1909, d. 9 Oct 1993
Walter Mylrea 1949 senior portrait Reedsburg High School, Reedsburg, Sauk, WI
Walter Arnold Mylrea
Walter Arnold Mylrea-Colorized
SOCIALSECUWalter Arnold Mylrea obtained US Social Security Card at Wisconsin; last residence Augusta, Richmond, Georgia.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth14 March 1931Walter Arnold Mylrea was born at New Haven, Adams, Wisconsin, on 14 March 1931.
He was the son of Chancey Henry Mylrea and Louise Martha Friede.
Marriage24 January 1953Walter Arnold Mylrea married Anni Von Berg on 24 January 1953 at while in the military, Darmstadt, Germany.
Death5 December 1996Walter Arnold Mylrea died on 5 December 1996 at Richmond, Georgia, at age 65.
Burialafter 5 December 1996He was buried after 5 December 1996 at Hillcrest Memorial Park Cemetery, Augusta, Richmond, Georgia.
Census DateLocationDescription
12 April 1940Winfield, Sauk, WisconsinWalter Arnold Mylrea was listed as a son in Chancey Henry Mylrea's household on the 1940 Census at Winfield, Sauk, Wisconsin.1
Portrait of Walter Arnold and Anni (VonBerg) Mylrea.
Walter Arnold and Anni VonBerg Mylrea-Colorized
Walter Arnold and Anni (VonBerg) Mylrea

Child of Walter Arnold Mylrea and Anni Von Berg


  1. [S373] U.S. Federal Census 1940 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ar: 1940; Census Place: Winfield, Sauk, Wisconsin; Roll: T627_4523; Page: 1B; Enumeration District: 56-42.

Lois Jean Mylrea

F, b. 9 March 1935, d. 4 January 2020
Father*Chancey Henry Mylrea b. 23 Oct 1905, d. 30 Mar 1982
Mother*Louise Martha Friede b. 19 Feb 1909, d. 9 Oct 1993
Lois (Mylrea) Ruetten
Lois Mylrea 1953 senior portrait Reedsburg High School, Reedsburg, Sauk, WI
Name TypeDateDescription
Married Name4 November 1957As of 4 November 1957,her married name was Ruetter.
Married Name4 November 1957As of 4 November 1957,her married name was Ruetten.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth9 March 1935Lois Jean Mylrea was born at New Haven, Adams, Wisconsin, on 9 March 1935.
She was the daughter of Chancey Henry Mylrea and Louise Martha Friede.
Marriage4 November 1957Lois Jean Mylrea married William John Ruetten, son of Hubert Josef Ruetten and Mary M. Connors, on 4 November 1957 at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.
Death4 January 2020Lois Jean Mylrea died on 4 January 2020 at age 84 Lois J. Ruetten, age 84, passed away on Jan. 4, 2020, in Wild Rose, Wis. She was born March 9, 1935, in Briggsville, Wis., the daughter of Chancey and Louise (Friede) Mylrea. Lois graduated from Reedsburg High School in 1953. Lois met her husband Bill shortly after, and they were united in marriage in 1957. They eventually settled in Sun Prairie, Wis., where they raised their three sons, Alan, Michael, and Timothy. Lois spent her working career helping the elderly at nursing homes and the State of Wisconsin at Central Wisconsin Center. She retired in 1997 and continued her passion for helping people by volunteering at St. Mary’s Hospital, VA Hospital, American Legion, and The Colonial Club.

Lois is survived by her children, Alan (Caryn) Ruetten of Wild Rose, Wis., Michael (Mary) Ruetten of Sun Prairie, Wis., and Timothy (Nancy) Ruetten of Dexter, N.Y; eight grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren; brothers, Earl (Marion) Mylrea and Wayne (Sharon) Mylrea; sister Joyce Grams; and many other relatives and friends.

She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Bill; and brothers, Walter and Richard; and many other relatives.

Private services will be held at a later date. The Holly Funeral Home of Wild Rose is assisting the family with arrangements.
Census DateLocationDescription
12 April 1940Winfield, Sauk, WisconsinLois Jean Mylrea was listed as a daughter in Chancey Henry Mylrea's household on the 1940 Census at Winfield, Sauk, Wisconsin.1
10 April 1950Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinLois Jean Mylrea was listed as a daughter in Chancey Henry Mylrea's household on the 1950 Census at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.2
1953Reedsburg High School, Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinLois Jean Mylrea graduated in 1953 at Reedsburg High School, Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.


  1. [S373] U.S. Federal Census 1940 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ar: 1940; Census Place: Winfield, Sauk, Wisconsin; Roll: T627_4523; Page: 1B; Enumeration District: 56-42.
  2. [S423] U.S. Federal Census 1950 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED56-42. Sheet 15.

Richard Edwards Mylrea

M, b. 15 September 1937, d. 15 February 2018
Father*Chancey Henry Mylrea b. 23 Oct 1905, d. 30 Mar 1982
Mother*Louise Martha Friede b. 19 Feb 1909, d. 9 Oct 1993
Richard Mylrea 1956 senior portrait Reedsburg High School Reedsburg Sauk WI-Colorized
Richard Edwards Mylrea
Richard Mylrea 1956 senior portrait Reedsburg High School, Reedsburg, Sauk, WI
Life EventDateDescription
Birth15 September 1937Richard Edwards Mylrea was born at Hillpoint, Sauk, Wisconsin, on 15 September 1937.
He was the son of Chancey Henry Mylrea and Louise Martha Friede.
Death15 February 2018Richard Edwards Mylrea died on 15 February 2018 at age 80 Richard E. Mylrea, 80, of Stoughton, passed away Thursday, Feb. 15, 2018.

He was born Sept. 15, 1937, in Hillpoint, the son of Chancey and Louise (Friede) Mylrea. Richard graduated from Reedsburg High School with the class of 1956. He moved to Stoughton and began a long career working for Uniroyal, retiring in 2001. Richard was united in marriage to Joyce Schulze on Sept. 23, 1961, in Reedsburg. They were blessed with three children, Brian, Brad and Brooke. Richard loved the outdoors, especially hunting and fishing; even ice fishing.

Richard is survived by his wife Joyce; children, Brian (Sachie) Mylrea of Fort Wayne, Indiana, Brad (Rie) Mylrea of Okinawa, Japan, and Brooke Mylrea of Minneapolis Minnesota; grandchildren, Emily and Sara Mylrea; brothers, Earl (Marian) Mylrea and Wayne (Sharon) Mylrea; sisters, Lois Ruetten and Joyce (Duane Grahams) Mortensen; sisters-in-law, Anne Mylrea and Nancy (James) Larson; his cats, Benny and Cliffy; and many other relatives and friends.

He was preceded in death by his parents; brother, Walter Mylrea; and brothers-in-law, Bill Ruetten and Harry Mortensen. In keeping with Richard’s wishes, private services will be held. Gunderson Stoughton Funeral & Cremation Care is assisting the family.
Census DateLocationDescription
12 April 1940Winfield, Sauk, WisconsinRichard Edwards Mylrea was listed as a son in Chancey Henry Mylrea's household on the 1940 Census at Winfield, Sauk, Wisconsin.1
10 April 1950Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinRichard Edwards Mylrea was listed as a son in Chancey Henry Mylrea's household on the 1950 Census at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.2
1956Reedsburg High School, Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinRichard Edwards Mylrea graduated in 1956 at Reedsburg High School, Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.


  1. [S373] U.S. Federal Census 1940 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ar: 1940; Census Place: Winfield, Sauk, Wisconsin; Roll: T627_4523; Page: 1B; Enumeration District: 56-42.
  2. [S423] U.S. Federal Census 1950 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED56-42. Sheet 15.

Joyce Hilda Mylrea

F, b. 20 November 1938, d. 28 March 2022
Father*Chancey Henry Mylrea b. 23 Oct 1905, d. 30 Mar 1982
Mother*Louise Martha Friede b. 19 Feb 1909, d. 9 Oct 1993
Joyce Hilda (Mylrea) Mortensen Grams
Mrs Harry Mortensen (Joyce Mylrea) 1957
Joyce Mylrea 1956 senior portrait Reedsburg High School, Reedsburg, Sauk, WI
Name TypeDateDescription
Married Name16 February 1957As of 16 February 1957,her married name was Mortensen.
Married Nameafter 2002As of after 2002,her married name was Grahams.
Married Nameafter 2002As of after 2002,her married name was Grams.
Life EventDateDescription
Birth20 November 1938Joyce Hilda Mylrea was born at Hillpoint, Sauk, Wisconsin, on 20 November 1938.
She was the daughter of Chancey Henry Mylrea and Louise Martha Friede.
Marriage16 February 1957Joyce Hilda Mylrea married Harry John Mortensen on 16 February 1957 at St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin, Marry Mortensen and Joyce Mylrea marriage announcement.
Madison Wisconsin State Journal February 20, 1957 - Harry Mortensen and Joyce Mylrea marriage announcement
Marriageafter 2002Joyce Hilda Mylrea married Duane Grams after 2002.
Death28 March 2022Joyce Hilda Mylrea died on 28 March 2022 at age 83 Joyce H. Mortensen, age 83, of Lake Mills (Reedsburg), WI, passed away on Monday, March, 28, 2022. She was born on Nov. 20, 1938, in Hillpoint, Wis., the daughter of Chancey and Louise (Friede) Mylrea. Joyce graduated from Reedsburg High School with the class of 1956. She lived in Reedsburg for over 50 years working at Hankscraft Corp for the most of her career, retiring in 2001. Joyce was united in marriage to Harry Mortensen on Feb. 16, 1957, in Reedsburg. They were blessed with four children, Dan, Marv, Gary and Ron. Joyce was a devoted wife and mother, talking fondly of her grand-kids and great grand-kids. She enjoyed cooking, cards, family, friends, and food.

She was preceded in death by her parents; husbands Harry Mortensen and Duane Grams, brothers Walter Mylrea, Richard Mylrea sister Lois Ruetten; and brothers-in-law Bill Ruetten and Duane Seamon.

Joyce is survived, by her children, Dan (Cathy) Mortensen of Rothschild, WI, Marv (Vicki) Mortensen of Fond du Lac WI, Gary (Cheryl) Mortensen of Lake Mills WI, and Ron (Jerri) Mortensen of Lodi WI; grandchildren, Jennifer, Justin (Grace), Jordan (Michelle) Marcus, Matthew, Mason, Malachi, Mariah, Amanda (Andrew) Gallo, Hayley, Samantha, Katelyn, Mitchell, great-grandchildren Carter, and Lowen; brothers, Earl (Marian) Mylrea and Wayne (Sharon) Mylrea; sisters-in-law, Anne Mylrea, Joyce Mylrea, Elaine (Robert) Yngsdal, and Darlene Seamon, and many other relatives and friends.

Funeral services for Joyce will be conducted at 12:00 Noon on Tuesday, April 5, 2022 at the Farber Funeral Home in Reedsburg with Pastor Paul Crolius officiating. Visitation will be on Tuesday from 10:00 A.M. until the time of the service. Burial will be made in St. Peter’s Lutheran Cemetery. Memorials of remembrance may be made to St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, Reedsburg, or the Reedsburg VFW Post 1916

The Farber Funeral Home, Reedsburg, is assisting the family.
Census DateLocationDescription
12 April 1940Winfield, Sauk, WisconsinJoyce Hilda Mylrea was listed as a daughter in Chancey Henry Mylrea's household on the 1940 Census at Winfield, Sauk, Wisconsin.1
10 April 1950Reedsburg, Sauk, WisconsinJoyce Hilda Mylrea was listed as a daughter in Chancey Henry Mylrea's household on the 1950 Census at Reedsburg, Sauk, Wisconsin.2
Mortensen family photo - Daniel John, Harry John, Cathy Ann (Hills), Joyce Hilda (Mylrea), Marvin Harry, Ronald Brian, Gary Mark.
Mortensen family - Daniel John, Harry John, Cathy Ann (Hills), Joyce Hilda (Mylrea), Marvin Harry, Ronald Brian, Gary Mark


  1. [S373] U.S. Federal Census 1940 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ar: 1940; Census Place: Winfield, Sauk, Wisconsin; Roll: T627_4523; Page: 1B; Enumeration District: 56-42.
  2. [S423] U.S. Federal Census 1950 U.S. Federal Census, by Ancestry.com, ED56-42. Sheet 15.